Chapter 3: The Mysterious Teacher

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Chapter 3: The Mysterious Teacher


As dinner quickly approached Shota Aizawa, the man couldn't help but wonder about his new coworker. It was unusual for anyone to be as skilled in martial arts as his students made her out to be. Not only that, but she was a teacher in the hero course, yet Aizawa had no clue if she was a pro hero or not.

As far as he could remember, he had heard no mention of Amaya Todoroki being a pro hero yet she still had a job in UA, so obviously he was wrong.

It was just something that kept turning in his mind as he moved about his kitchen, his white cat Arctic watching him closely from where she sat on the counter, patiently waiting for dinner time. "It doesn't make sense Arctic, I've never heard of her in the hero world! And I would have by now, trust me. She's beautiful, charismatic, nice, intelligent, and talented. The media would have been all over her the moment she stepped onto the scene but all I can find online about her is an article announcing Enji's firstborn child was a girl and a few pictures from paparazzi when she was a kid. No mention of being a hero."

He groaned as he grabbed the cat's food and poured it into the cat's bowl before sitting with his own meal.

"It's weird like she's one of those heroes before quirks. The fiction ones that used secret identities." Aizawa continued, opening up to his cat as he contemplated his strange new coworker.

Suddenly, he dropped his chopsticks and groaned in realization, "How did I miss those signs?"


Meanwhile, Amaya was out at a relatively nice restaurant with her three younger siblings. She felt happier than she had in years as they filled her in on the funny stories that she missed out on. While Amaya was filled with such intense joy, she also had a sense of sadness as she realized that Shoto was almost never included in the stories of Fuyumi and Natsuo's childhood.

It became more apparent that while neither side held ill-will towards the other, Shoto had still been excluded from the fun that the abandoned children had whether due directly to Enji or not. Amaya tried not to let her unsettled feelings show as she smiled and nodded along. Quickly, Amaya started alternating between her siblings as to the questions she asked, before allowing them to question her as well.

"So, how did you end up getting that job at UA? Don't you have to be a Pro Hero?"

Shaking her head, Amaya smiled, "Technically, you need to have a hero's license, a teacher's license, and something else to bring to the table. I have all three."

"Wait, you actually passed your license exam? I thought you just said that to spite dad." Natsuo said in shock as he stared at Amaya.

Shrugging stiffly, Amaya nodded, "Yeah, I actually passed. I actually did really well in that test."

"That's impressive," Shoto said with a nod.

"Why because she-" Fuyumi started before she was cut off by Amaya pointing over at a man with a camera not far away. "Fucking vultures, I swear."

"They usually don't care much for me," Amaya admitted, confused as to why a reporter was here.

Shrugging, Natsuo just continued eating, "Could be that this is the first time we've all been seen together in public in seven years."

Nodding, they shrugged and continued their meal unperturbed.

Until Amaya's phone buzzed with a text notification from an unknown number. "Oh! Does Amaya have a boyfriend!" Fuyumi teased lightly, eyes alight with hungry curiosity.

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