Burning House

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Paisley's POV

I got up before my mother and father did this morning to go for a run. It was really early, so not very many pack members were up yet, meaning I'd have the trail that ran behind the community all to myself. I ran when I needed to clear my head, or to train on my personal time to stay fit for sports and when the time came I could train with the pack.

The fallen tree branches and leaves crunched underneath my black and teal athletic tennis shoes while I ran up the small incline at the start of the dirt and rocky path. It was early enough that the air was still cool and crisp against my skin; I was wearing a teal racer back tank top and black leggings. The rustling from the animals in the forest and the echoing chirps from the birds songs gave a peaceful background to the silence of being alone.

The trail I chose to take was my absolute favorite. It was curvy, had different inclines, and a beautiful scene. I loved stopping along the path at the small pond on the edge of the property to cool off. Its waters sparkled in the sun and the chirping from insects and croaks from frogs only enhanced my love for the wildlife. Granted, I had been a part of 'the wildlife' my entire life, but these little moments really played a part in my appreciation for it.

I could sit and take a break on the edge of the water and dip my feet in while watching the deer stop to drink from the pond. It could either be a good place to admire the Moon Goddess's creations or make it easy hunting grounds.

After a couple of minutes, I picked myself back up and put my socks and shoes on to continue my run and get back home within a decent amount of time. I ran to the end of the trail before turning around and making my way back. I was sweaty from my twelve-mile run and I knew my mother would bitch about my appearance.

I pushed open the heavy doors into my family's manor, stepped inside, and was greeted with silence. The wind from outside gushed through the open door frame and up the staircase that led to the second floor. I wondered why my parents weren't up yet?

I couldn't hear my mother's complaining or shouting that usually woke me up in the mornings and I didn't smell breakfast cooking from the kitchen that my father made so many mornings before. Maybe they were still asleep?

I decided to use this time wisely and rush upstairs to take a shower. I stripped my dirty, smelly clothes off and tossed them down the laundry shoot and turned on the hot water. I wanted to cool off, but I didn't like the goosebumps that invaded my tanned skin when coldness hit it.

The hot water soothed my aching, tired muscles as I relaxed under the running faucet. Steam started to fog up the glass in my white marble bathroom indicating that I needed to start washing off. I poured my favorite body wash onto my loofah and scrubbed my body clean before lathering shampoo and conditioner into my hair and washing it out.

I dried off with a soft microfiber pink towel that my mother insisted on having, anything less was 'too rough on the skin', and stepped out of the shower. The fuzzy rug in front of my sink pushed its way between my toes, keeping my feet off of the cold hardwood floor. I used my towel to wipe down the fogged mirror and plugged my blow dryer and curling iron in. I preferred to dress casually if it was a regular day, but my mother fought me tooth and nail to present myself in 'the best way possible'.

Perfect, loose curls bounced around me while I rummaged through my cabinets for my makeup. I could damn near pass off as a cosmetologist with how much practice I have had. After my makeup was applied I went to my closet and pulled out a short yellow sundress. It had spaghetti straps and a straight neckline, displaying my prominent collar bones. It was loose fitting and flowed down to above my knees, not showing too much skin. I pulled on my new, low top converse and made my way back downstairs.

Strangely, my parents were nowhere to be found. I pulled the orange juice out of the fridge when I smelled something odd. I leaned in closer to the refrigerator and sniffed around, trying to find where it was coming from. Gasoline and smoke filled my nostrils, proving that the smell wasn't from the kitchen appliance in front of me.

"Mama? Daddy?" I shouted, needing to ask them where that smell was coming from, but there wasn't a response. My stomach churned as I grew worried that something was severely wrong.

I heard a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering come from upstairs, which led me to sprint out of the kitchen and to the staircase. My heart clenched at the sight of black clouds rolling out of the hallway of the second floor.

"Mama! Daddy!" I cried out, stepping onto the bottom step when an explosion erupted. The hardwood was fully engulfed in flames and debris and ashes were falling through the air. It was hard to breathe through the polluted air, even if I squated low. I needed to get up there and help them out. I knew my father was agile enough to pull both of themselves out and find a way down to ground level but I couldn't see them yet.

"Paisley!" I heard my mother shriek as the flames grew higher, and burned hotter.

"I'm here Mama! I'm coming," I yelled between coughs. Sweat was leaking out of my pores, causing my hair to stick to my back and neck, and I could feel the ashes begin to cake onto my skin.

"Help, anyone please!" I cried out as I heard pack members gather around outside.

"I can hear them in there," someone yelled.

"The house will collapse at any minute!" another stated, and as if on cue, a beam from the ceiling fell down and collapsed onto the staircase, blocking my path. The fire wooshed higher and I couldn't see anymore through the smoke. My breathing ached to a wheeze between coughs, and my muscles were contracting from trying to make my way through this jungle gym from Hell. Holes were beginning to form in the fabric of my yellow dress from the falling embers.

"No!" I heard a deep growl come from behind me. I turned to try and get a glimpse as to who it was but I couldn't see through the clouds of death.

"Mate," the deep voice said faintly as his eyes glowed a bright caramel, gold color. Even within the darkness, I could see black and purple splotches fill my vision as I tried to draw my attention back to my parents.

Mate, that's him Paisley. Go to him, Aspen pleaded with me. I knew I wanted to, I could feel the Moon Goddess pull me closer to him but the cries from my mother crushed my heart. The fact that I couldn't hear my father at all only added to the inevitable pain.

"No! Please! I have to save them," I thrashed around when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me from the staircase. Sobs were escaping my sore, dry throat and tears surely caused streaks to appear within the ash and dirt ridden on my face.

"It's too late, Kitten. I'm so sorry..." he cooed at me, brushing his thumb across my heated cheek, while cradling me within his arms. I got a good look at him once we stepped outside and I realised I was embraced by Augustine. My Auggie.

Everything had happened so fast it seemed like, and all I heard was a white noise after his feet hit the pathway decorated perfectly by my mother. I saw men spraying hoses of water into the embers of my family's manor, or what was left at least and bright white and red lights flashing across the lawn. The wind picked up and carried the scent of burning flesh to my nostrils. I felt as though I was going to be sick and I couldn't focus on the people prodding me with questions.

"Are you alright?"

"What happened?"

Auggie didn't loosen his grip on me the entire way to the packhouse and I could feel Aspen melt into Asher's hold. It seemed fitting for him to bring me here, because I had nowhere else to go. I no longer had my family, my home, anything. My mother pushed me until I felt damn near empty and my father was my saving grace within those walls but I could no longer run into his arms or ever hear him call me 'princess' again. Darkness, and then nothing. I was left with nothing.

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