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"Come on. Just one. Please." 

Nadech tries to bring the spoon closer to Maddie's face, but as soon as he gets close, she starts to whimper and throw a fit. He's been trying to start her off with solid food, and it doesn't look like she was very pleased with it. 

He brings it closer again and she starts to cry, when he brings it back she immediately stops. 

"What the hell?" 

His brows furrow as he repeats it a few times again, earning on and off cries from Maddie. 

Letting out a breath, he drops the spoon on the rubber bowl and lets out a sigh in defeat. 

"Okay, fine. Tomorrow then." 

He purses his lips as he gets the baby bottle on top of the counter. He picks up Maddie and cradles her, feeding her the bottle. This was definitely a morning where she was too cooperative. 

"I guess just more milk for you then." 

He makes a face as he cradles her around, holding the bottle for her as she ate. He walks around his living room, the sound of classical music resonating in the background. He heard that it was good for babies' development, and he's been trying all he can to give Maddie what was good for her. 

He lets out a big yawn as he moved to the rhythm of the slow music. He's been used to being up all night, even before Maddie. He was once an architectural students, sleeping wasn't an option then. But when Maddie came around, it just got a little complicated. Staying up was alright, the issue was trying to find out what she wanted to stop crying. He basically had to try everything---feed her, change her diaper, carry her---until she stops crying. Sometimes she just stopped because she was tired of crying. Until now, he still couldn't decipher what she wanted specifically when she cried. 

But last night, Maddie slept like a log. And still he wasn't able to get a full night's sleep. It wasn't because of the baby, or because of the occasional insomnia, it was because of that crazy lady next door. 

He was a very light sleeper, with just a small fuss, he was able to wake up immediately. He doesn't know what the hell is going on in the house of hers, but damn was she making a noise at two in the morning. There was banging and hammering and it was just keeping him awake. He was sure, the other neighbors barely heard nothing, but her second floor living area was right across his room. He could basically hear all of it. 

Speaking of the crazy lady, he snaps his head when he hears a loud thud. Like a large object falling to the ground. With a furrow on his eyebrows, and an eating baby in tow, he strides out of the front door, to the direction of the loud sound. 

"What in the early morning are you doing?"

His face distorts as he surveys Yaya who was dragging around a large pot that was almost as big as her to the front of her lawn. With her silk shorts and white shirt, her face flushes a bright red as she drags it across the grass. 

At the presence of her neighbor, she lets go of the pot, causing it to fall on the ground with another loud thud. She wipes the morning sweat with the back of her hand as she turns to look at her neighbor. 

"Good morning to you too! I'm gardening, can't you see." 

She motions to the other pots with land in it and the plants she was about to put in them. 

He looks at her with a furrow in his brows, his forehead creasing. 

"Why is it, there's always a fuss when it comes with you?"

This time, it was Yaya's turn to furrow her brows. 

"Since when have I been such a fuss? Huh?" 

[NadechYaya] Love: De NovoWhere stories live. Discover now