That Went Well-

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Lucifer was woken up at the middle of the night by whimpering. Sighing, he looked besides him and, as he expected, Michael was having a nightmare. The saddest thing about it probably was that he wasn't even surprised. Concerned, sure he always was, but not surprised.

He tried waking Michael up, gently at first. He whispered his name, shook him slightly. It obviously didn't work, only succeeding in making Michael even more afraid of whatever he was seeing in his sleep. Lucifer then violently shook Michael and this time it woke him up.

But instead of rushing in Lucifer's arms like he usually did after a nightmare, Michael scrambled away as far away as he could without falling off the bed. He looked like a scared animal who just spotted a predator about to jump on him.

Whenever Lucifer tried to make a move towards Michael, wanting no more but to comfort him, Michael would make himself as small as possible as far as possible.

"Michael, it's me, I won't hurt you," Lucifer whispered in a desperate attempt to get Michael to calm down.

"Please don't hurt me," Michael echoed.

"I won't hurt you," Lucifer repeated and Michael made the smallest move towards him. Seeing this, Lucifer gave him an encouraging smile. "It was just a nightmare."

"You won't hurt me?" Michael asked in a small, shaking voice.

"I could never. I won't hurt you, Mickey," Lucifer said, opening his arms. Slowly, Michael crept towards him, finally getting against Lucifer, but he was still shaking and strangely stiff, as he was still afraid. "It's alright, I'm here, I won't ever hurt you."

"You won't?"

"Never," Lucifer assured and Michael pressed himself closer to him. Now he looked more like a wounded animal than anything. Lucifer waited for a while for Michael to calm down, which he did as he woke up.

"Do you want to tell me what it was?" Michael frantically shook his head, signalling his definitive no. "Alright." There was a moment of silence before Lucifer spoke again. "Why do you have these nightmares? You never told me why."

Michael, who was now completely awake, sighed, replacing himself in Lucifer's arms so that his back was against Lucifer's chest, bringing Lucifer's arms around him.

"When I was young, I was in a car crash. My head had been severely hit but I made it out alive. There was a piece of glass that entered my brain though, and after the surgery to remove it I stayed in a coma for a month." Lucifer nodded. He had already heard of the car crash, but these details were new.

"Turns out the shrapnel logged itself in the emotion control thingy part of my brain. It really messed with my feelings. I- I'm usually calmer than average but strong emotions are more intense, you know that. But it also gave me nightmares. For some reason it wasn't about the crash. These dream... they're about anything good I either want or have, my friend, my family, a flat, a job, a partner, everything." (I know this is probably impossible for real but it's my story and I do what I want)

Lucifer held Michael impossibly closer, saddened by what happened to his friend. "I'm sorry."

Michael chuckled drily. "Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault."

"But your nightmares, they're about me, aren't they?"

"Don't apologize for being my friend," Michael repeated. Lucifer only nodded, though he still felt somewhat guilty.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the other's silent company, until Michael fell asleep in Lucifer's arms.

Smiling softly at how cute Michael was when he was like that, Lucifer laid back down, still holding Michael.

Michael woke up in that same position, Lucifer holding him close against him. He went to get up but a still sleeping Lucifer held him back, then Michael remembered there wasn't anything they were obligated to to that day so he laid back down, thinking back on the night.

He felt relieved to have finally spilled it to Lucifer, about his nightmares. He'd wanted to do it for a long time, he just never found the courage to say it. Michael was thankful for Lucifer's patience and for his quiet listening. Hell, he had even apologized for Michael's nightmare!

His nightmare... it was so horrible, Michael didn't want to think of it. Definitely the wort he ever had, at least about his friend. He knew that Lucifer could never do that to him, that he actually cared and would never hurt him, but a part of him feared that it could actually happen.

Michael's thought drifted to his other kind of feels for Lucifer. He knew he liked Lucifer romantically, that was obvious, but he also had started to like him in the other way and he was determined to figure it out. He started by analyzing how he felt at the moment. Though he had never really been the one for physical attention, Lucifer was an exception, and Michael rather liked it when Lucifer held him like that. Contrary as with other people, Michael had no problem with Lucifer playing in his hair, or hugging him, or standing so close that their arms were touching.

He then thought that maybe he was overthinking it, that he just needed to go with the flow and see what happens next, but he felt like understanding what happened now would actually help him to do so. He was so very close to understanding it that he couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, analyzing what he felt and what his dreams meant.

And boy, did his last dream meant something. When he finally realized what it probably meant to him, he realized at the same time that he had always felt like that, just that the clues had been more obvious with time.

Okay, I finally did this! Honestly I'm surprised of myself to have been able to write the whole chapitre on the night, since I tend to do like 'the rest of the night, Michael thought about his current existential crisis and found out what it meant' rater than describing things as they happen. I had the same problem with the dinner chapitre.

I have absolutely no idea of what I'm gonna do next, yay!

When It Happens (Michifer fake relationship AU)Where stories live. Discover now