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After we finished putting our clothes in the cupboard and preparing dinner, I went to bed.
Around midnight, the house was extremely dark and silent until the door rang. My father went down to open it, and I followed him while holding my favorite toy. It was a young man at the door. He looked gentle. I think he was holding a cake, and he said to my father, "I am really sorry for the disturbance at this time, but I'm your neighbor. I  bought you a cake." My father just thanked him, and we both went back to bed.

The next day, I woke up and found our neighbor in the kitchen. My mother had apparently invited him over for breakfast. I asked some questions to get to know him better. He said his name was Simon, and he was a 20-year-old American with no kids. He then said that I should become an inspector after the university because of my intense curiosity.
We talked some more, and soon we became close friends. The two of us had lunches together and walked in the woods, and we grew ever closer. I've never trusted a person like him before, so we became more like brothers. one day in my room
I told him I have something to show but he has to promise to keep it a secret between us. after he promised I showed him the newspaper and asked him if he can read it and he said:
"I'm going to try. I think your grandmother says, when I'm die, take care of my nephew Jack and Mr.Drens." and he questioned: "who's Drens?"
but I didn't know either...
and since then my life has started to change!
Simon returned home, I put the secret newspaper on my desk until all these questions came to my  head:
who can Drens be? what's his relationship between my grandma and him? how did Simon read the strange sentences? WHO IS DRENS?!


Stay tuned for more


.بعد أن انتهينا من وضع ملابسنا في الخزانة وإعداد العشاء ، نمنا

,حوالي منتصف الليل 

كان المنزل مظلماً للغاية وصامتاً حتى يرن الباب. ذهب والدي لفتحه فتابعته ماسكا لعبتي المفضلة. لقد كان شابًا عند الباب يبدو لطيفًا أعتقد أنه كان يحمل كعكة وقال لأبي: "أنا آسف حقًا على الازعاج  في هذا الوقت ، أنا جارك ، واشتريت لك كعكة" شكره ابي وعدنا إلى الفراش.

في اليوم التالي،

أستيقظت ووجدته في المنزل ،  فكانت امي قد دعته  لتناول الإفطار ،فسألته بعض الأسئلة للتعرف عليه بشكل أفضل ، فهو سيمون  ، عمره 20 سنة,أمريكي ليس لديه أطفال ، ثم قال إنه يجب أن اكون في المستقبل تحري  بسبب فضولي

تحدثنا وأصبحنا أصدقاء.

نتناول الغداء معا ، سرنا في الغابة ... الخ

لم أثق مطلقًا بشخص مثله من قبل ، لذلك أصبحنا أشبه أخوة.

ذات يوم في غرفتي

أخبرته أن لدي شيئًا لأظهره ، لكن عليه أن يعد ني بإخفاء الأمر بيننا.

بعد أن وعدني أريته الصحيفة وسألته إذا كان يستطيع قراءتها فقال:

"سأحاول. أعتقد أن جدتك تقول عندما أموت ، اعتني بابن أخي جاك والسيد درينز." وسألني: "من هو درينز؟"

the end:book One (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now