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When I heard the noise,  I went up to my room. I thought at first that maybe a tree fell down to my window and broke it, but I was wrong. While heading to the window, I noticed a tall boy with a redhead, black eyes full of fears, looking in a mirror. He doesn't know what to do, he took his favorite toy, so he can protect him at all cost and hide his fears, suddenly he heard footsteps downstairs in the kitchen quietly and there was a man moving, He freaked out and thought of running away, but He saw him in the living room looking through the newspaper and throwing things away and saying


name several times and the boy thought that he can't let him take the newspaper or see the photo and starts wondering how does he know about Drens, so he should distract him.  He ran to the kitchen, so he would notice him and took a knife to defend himself, the power cut off unexpectedly. He realized someone was behind him, he felt the warm breath, Jack Still stood for a moment aimed the gun at his head and on his neck whispered: “Hands behind your back and turn NOW “and the flashlight at his head. When he turned there was a tall muscular man with completely black clothes and full a face mask yelling at his face: “Where is Mr. Drens"? “I don't know what are you talking "! “Stop lying, I know you do, say it now"! “What's wrong with


, Why does everyone want him"! He couldn't think about anything but plunging the knife in his stomach,the blood flowed all over the ground, and he ran away until he got lost in the woods, but the masked guy followed him again, he ran as fast as he can without looking behind one hand his favorite toy and in the second the bloody knife, jack's spot a house with bright light, and he went towards it. the door was opened...


In this chapter, the story began. stay tuned to find out the truth about Drens, his relationship with the grandmother, his relationship with the thief, the surprise in the grandmother's house, and many more questions and secrets ...

thanks for your support, I love you. :)

عندما سمعت الضجيج ،

صعدت إلى غرفتي ، اعتقدت في البداية أنه ربما سقطت شجرة إلى نافذتي وكسرتها لكنني كنت مخطئا. أثناء التوجه إلى النافذة لاحظت صبيا طويلا برأس أحمر وعين سوداء مليئة بالخوف ينظر إلى المرآة ولا يعرف ماذا يفعل ، أخذ لعبته المفضلة حتى يتمكن من حمايتها مهما كان الثمن وإخفاء مخاوفه بداخلها ، وفجأة سمع صوت دعسات في المطبخ  فنزل   على الدرج  بهدوء وكان هناك رجل يتحرك ، ففزع و فكر بالفرار لكنه رآه في غرفة المعيشة وهو ينظر عبر الصحيفة ويلقي الأشياء بعيدا ويقول أسم درينز عدة مرات ويعتقد الصبي أنه لا يستطيع السماح له بأخذ الصحيفة أو رؤية الصورة ويبدأ بالتساؤل كيف يعرف عن درينز لذلك يجب أن يلهيه.

ركض إلى المطبخ حتى لاحظه وأخذ سكينا للدفاع عن نفسه ، وانقطع التيار الكهربائي بشكل غير متوقع. أدرك أن شخصا ما كان وراءه ، وشعر بالتنفس الدافئ ،فوقف  جاك مكانه لفترة من الوقت  فكان الرجل قد صوب البندقية على رأسه وعلى همسه حول رقبته:

يديك خلف ظهرك ولف الآن" والمصباح في رأسه"

عندما استدار كان هناك رجل عضلي طويل يرتدي ملابس سوداء بالكامل و قناع,  فصرخ في وجهه:

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