Chapter 16 - fortuna eopsin

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In fourth year, Anastasia had become very close to her siblings. They had moved into their own rooms but would always go bounding to wake her up. Anastasia had set up a home tutor for them, someone whom Aunt Marilyn had recommended, and had faith in her two siblings. They were naturally quiet except when with Anastasia, where Alastair would keep his quiet but kind personality while Cordelia would talk endlessly about what they did that day. They both knew about Anastasia's last life, having believed their beloved older sister from the get-go. Both were eager to learn Korean from Anastasia, as children who could easily pick up on the language at their young age of nine.

In her third year at the academy, the phones had been distributed in her name, but the company was nameless. This year, she had chosen a name. 'Fortuna Eopsin'- the names of two gods of fortune, one of Greek origin and the other of Korean origin. The company brought in a lot of wealth for her and her employees. Jamison, Leonard, Melissa and Kieran were shareholders of the company, all taking responsibility for different products that were circulating.

Products run alongside Melissa included clothing of different styles, such as skin tight dresses, leggings that were good for dance, shirts that woman could wear, skirts and more. The style became popular but not many woman chose to wear leggings or trousers, which was understandable in this world where women only wore dresses. Kieran aided her with dance clothing that would be flexible to wear or could be used for assessments. Kieran worked to make what worked like an electric guitar for the production course. Jamie worked on improving the mana phone and making sure that updates were made.

Anastasia became well known to nobles, commoners and academy students. She attended many balls and conferences to introduce products to the people. She gained many allies and much respect alongside the four other reincarnated kids and was almost feared as such an influential person. Everyone knew that she was someone banished from her own country, but no-one pitied her- there was only pity for the country that had banished such an amazing person and given her to their country that was flourishing under her influence. Inside the academy, she was known as someone who was kind and helpful to all, as well as knowledgeable in Earth's dance and the new vocal style of Rap. She was someone that any students in the academy would turn to for help, someone that was a trusted figure. She taught classes and got to know many students personally. Many thought of Anastasia as a role model and others simply thought of her as someone who had worked hard for what she had earned. Almost everyone in the academy had a mana phone, and if not them then a family member. Students found joy in communicating by calls and messaging.


Going into her fifth year, Anastasia went into her first year of group work. Five students: two from the vocal course, two from the dance course and one from the production course. The vocal course students were Melissa and Jamison, dance course being Kieran and Anastasia and the production course students was Leonard. They all studied one other subject but these were the subjects they felt most confident in which didn't muddle up with others. They would start making their own songs throughout the year, improving as time went by. There would be multiple versions of the songs, and some would have choreographed dances and lyrics. The group would also have to okay a live version. The groups would also have to perform live in front of crowds at different times of the year, using their own marketing strategies. She found it enjoyable to spread their music around to others. In this year, they had released a new social media platform on the mana phones after studying an app called 'tiktok' for a while. Songs on the app were all linked with Jamie, who would frequently update the available songs to add songs made by students if they were appropriate.

The app was a change made to one of Fortuna Eopsin's products- but there were more changes to the product line-up. Now nearing age 16, she began to take an interest in make-up once more. Unlike the other nobles and citizens of Kou , Anastasia wore light make-up in dark colours that stood out with her hair and eyes. She favoured dark greens, blacks and browns, alongside bright colours such as oranges that contrasted against her purple eyes and black hair that fell far down her backside. She took the initiative to start her own makeup brand under Fortuna Eopsin, with help from Aunt Marilyn and Melissa. She was proud of he immediate reaction and expanded her company further.


On her birthday this year, Anastasia turned the legal age of a lady to become an adult, and as the youngest of her group, she was taken out to the bar for the first time. Though male figures didn't turn of age until the age of 18, they were allowed to consume a small amounts of alcohol. Here, she drank for the first time. In her drunkenness, she danced with many men, even ending up making out with one outside the bar- but what did that matter? After all, she was single wasn't she? Wrong. She remained unaware of the fact that someone was noting her behaviour, as they had for years, reporting back to the man back in Ainsworth that remained engaged to her, not to her knowledge.

Melissa and the others kept an eye on her, making sure she didn't go too far and do something she would regret, and that night, the five of them slept on the floors and sofa in Kieran's room. After that night, every fortnight the five would gather in one of their rooms to have a drink and mess about. The time was very entertaining by Melissa who was much more affection with Kieran while drunk, and none of them ever forgot to tease her about it while sober. In the background of their normal noise, there would always be the happy barking of a loud, little puppy. A puppy that Anastasia had picked up, opting to keep it herself since Cordelia and Alastair has become attached.

That little puppy's name was Buddy.


Buddy may or may not be the name I wanted to name the dog my parents said we couldn't have :))

and I changed my mind putting fourth and fifth year into one chapter

and I honestly don't know if fortuna eopsin's meanings are right :))

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