Chapter 22 - ainsworth

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Anastasia spent her last month in Kou spending as much time as possible with her siblings. The two were smart and reasonable, and they knew she had to go- but they still didn't like it. When they had first found out, Alastair had broken into tears, setting Cordelia off too. Anastasia rushes to comfort the two of them, still continuing to tell them the details of her story. After an hour of late night crying, and promises to allow visits, the three fell asleep in the same bed, a routine that had ended years ago.


The month passed, and the day to leave came. Anastasia, now at the Royal Castle, had the luggage (for a few days worth of clothes and money) sent straight to the carriage, waiting to follow behind her own. Jamison has arrived shortly, alongside his own family members, all checking their preparation to leave. The rest of their clothes and necessities were sent ahead to Ainsworth's Royal Academy dormitories.

She peered at the tattoo, barely visible, in the castle pond reflection. The others of the Majesty's Table has offered to look after and teach Alastair and Cordelia in Anastasia's absence. She was truly grateful for the men and woman who had helped raise her and give fruit to her knowledge- she had no issue that they would do wrong. The two in question were sulking behind her, refusing to let go of her shirt. At the time of her leave, the grabbed onto her front, crying. She sighed a fond sigh, rubbing their backs and telling them to come visit her on an occasion. Aunt Marilyn walked up to them fondly smiling. She told them that she would be visiting every now and then and they would be welcome to go with her. The two gave shaky 'thank you's while ending their cries. Aunt Marilyn was going with them, to attend the welcome banquet for the different kingdom's and their students. She would leave the day after. Anastasia hugged the remaining three of her friends goodbye, and waved to her personal maid, who was accompanying her, as she went to sit in a carriage alongside Jamison's personal butler. The carriage moved on, as she waved out to everyone.

On her lap, sat her puppy. As per the academy rules, one per was allowed per student, and so, she took along Buddy so that herself and Jamie wouldn't feel too lonely.

"Are you sure about this?"

Anastasia turned to Jamie, who was looking at her with a wry smile. She gave him a small punch to the shoulder as she replied with a 'yes'.

"I'll be just fine! I've got you and Buddy by my side!"

She talked with Aunt Marilyn and Jamison for quite a while after that, before they fell asleep. She woke up to the noise of chatter and laughter. Looking out the carriage window, she realised that she was, once again, at the port. She closed her eyes, listening to the joyful screams of children- after all, she wouldn't know if she would hear the same in Ainsworth. They board the ship, and to Anastasia's shock, the captain is the same old man from her first ride back 6 years ago. By the twinkle in his eyes, she knew that he recognised her too.

"Hello there lass- it's nice seeing you again. I've heard big things- I guess my wishing you good luck really came in handy there, didn't it?"

He gave a hearty laugh that Anastasia couldn't help but smile at. They had a small conversation before she was called to her seat.

She gazed at the water, only seconds away from land. Watching her reflection, her eyes filtered in blood red into the after, all over her face and body. Anastasia shivered, closing her eyes and opening then again. Nothing but blue. She turned to the land, for they had arrived. Her mind aches at the thought of the game end, as she suddenly wished to go home again. She was brought out of her thoughts by Jamison, who grabbed her hand and lead her off the ship.

"Ahh, that's right. I'm not alone anymore."

They bought food at the markets, making their way back to the carriage. The three people of Kou were due to the ball tonight, to greet the people that had once pushed her away. She was aware that they knew she was coming back. And she hated it. Singing softly with Jamison, her thoughts went on, for she was back. Back like a fool, to the place that fate had written her death.


damn it's getting close  — v —

sorry for the delay! As explained, I'm having to write my chapter guides for the next few chapters which takes longer (as the creative bit) before I can expand with the chapter! I'm also running out of pre-written chapters which I want to be able to post as a write, to keep schedule! I'm doing my best but online classes and hw are really taking my time ㅠ ㅠ I will do my best to hurry and publish regularly!

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