Chapter 26 - wonder

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Finally, it was their turn. The two took centre, falling into a curtsy and bow.

"We thank the Kingdom of Ainsworth for allowing us to be here before you all, and as a show of gratitude, please enjoy the performances that the Kou Kingdom has to offer you. Both pieces were written by myself and my companion respectively and, dare I say, are much more active than those we've heard up til now, so please don't worry, sit back and listen."

Jamison walked off to the side, giving Anastasia a quick high five and thumbs up. She felt eyes judging her as she seated herself at the piano. Quiet whispers filled the air from the people who began to recognise her and spread their words. Minor insults about her shortly cut hair and unfamiliar make up spread as she settled herself at the piano seats. The whispers died down as her hands felt the unfamiliar black and white keys of the grand piano.

A single moment passed before her fingers flew across the keys, sudden in movement and playing loudly across the hall. The notes resounded loudly, shocking those in the vicinity. Not once did girl look up, keeping her eyes on her hands and fingers. They moved wildly, up and down the instrument at a rapid pace. She handed the instrument with care but with a comfortable yet vicious tone. As if beating the impossible, her hands moved even faster, in static movements. No one could turn their eyes away from that girl. The girl that most had once known as a talentless pain in the side. Looking at her face, they noticed that she had not broken her emotionless character, keeping a cool face as her hands flurried across the large piano. It was a wonder how her small hands were moving at such a speed.  The song was so different that the typical soft and lulling songs that were played and produced- it was so unnatural! Such raging songs were never written or played, monstrous in their path. But this one, this one was beautiful.

The piece went quiet, a soft supposed ending. Everyone watched her hands, readying themselves for the end as the piece sped up once more and came to a dramatic end. A moment of silence came about before a large applause resounded. To everyone's surprise, the Kou Kingdom's own Queen was on her feet, clapping with a smile across her face. Anastasia stood from her seat, moving to the front to curtsy towards her audience.

"Thank you, for your listening. Please enjoy the next vocal performance."

Jamison joined her at the stage, as a backing track was organised. The Queen of Kou sat back on her throne, smiling and conversing with the other royals in the short interval.

"What a marvellous piano performance- it was so unlike the music we have back in Emanten!"

"Thank you for your praise. The Kou Kingdom has recently had a musical reset a couple years back, and we have far different music production than we used to. This specific piece was written entirely by Anastasia."

Marilyn did her best to ignore the widened eyes of the King and Queen of Ainsworth as the Queen bit her lip in a polite smile. Her attention was drawn back by Anastasia who had been seated next to Jamison, a guitar in hand. In contrast to Anastasia's piano piece, the vocal performance by Jamison seemed to be much calmer and softer. It was a shock when it took a turn, showing off the highest notes that Jamison could go. The song was perfect for his voice, written by himself and produced by Leonard. As he sang, Anastasia's fingers strummed across the guitar strings in a soft and lulling way, drawing attention to how she could easily use different instruments to play pieces of different difficulties and speeds. Jamison's singing was interrupted by a brief rap where Anastasia took over. She rapped song to the soft but powerful rap that lasted only a couple seconds before Jamison took over again. The people were shocked at the display of vocals-

'Why was it quicker?'
'Why was it sharper?'
'Why was she singing like that?'

'Was it a new technique?'

'It was so odd- so why did it sound good?'

'Wasn't she supposed to be... talentless?'

At that moment, a lot of thoughts ran through many peoples heads, but the most common, in that moment, was:

'Just who are they..?'


I don't know why but I absolutely LOVE listening to piano pieces and piano covers!

The vocal song I imagined was eight by iu prod suga: IU's singing by Jamison and Yoongi's rap by Anastasia! I didn't get the chance to put it as this chapter's song but I'll be using it for another chapter another time! Feel free to get a listen to the song to get a feel of the atmosphere change as the second performance went on!

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