oh no

378 7 1

The song above is what I listened to while making this^^^ you don't have to.🖤


Colbys POV
I felt a weird feeling inside me lust but why?
There was only 3 kids. One of them fell and cut their leg, and that's when it all went wrong.

 One of them fell and cut their leg, and that's when it all went wrong

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Colbys eyes.
I felt something wet  coming from my mouth I wiped it off and it was drul? Wtf is going on. But the next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor with blood all over and lifeless bodys with no organs.  I just ate kids what's wrong with me?
Hello Cole.
Shit not now.
Oh comon Cole you know you enjoyed it.
There was this feeling inside me and it was joy.
I did enjoy it but it wasn't right
Cole it was right you loved it and it's how we survive.
There was something wrong with this voice it wasn't Cole it was something much darker.
Who are you?
Remember when your  dad said you're mom made a mistake with you? Then you asked him you made the mistake too. When he didn't answer instead he hit you well your not his.
Who's am I?
Your mine I'm your dad but you can call me Lucie.
Wait you mean like Lucifer as the devil?
Wait so I'm the son of the devil?
Yes you are and soon you will take my place.

Sorry this is short chapter I will post another one soon.
Gender reveal:

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