Am I good enough ?

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With a heavy heart I look in the mirror ,
seeing someone long lost .
Someone who stopped laughing ,
someone who stopped smiling .

What became of me ?
The old me ?
Was I not enough ?
Will I ever be enough ?

I stare into the strangers eyes ,
hoping to see a glimpse of the once friendly face .
Instead ; I see a monster locked up in a cage ,
a beast forever doomed to take control .

The thought lingers in my mind ,
repeating itself like an echo .
With teary eyes I shake my head ,
and grip the edge of the sink .

You'll be fine ,
I reassure myself .
Just smile ,
I noted .

No ,
the voice bellowed in my mind .
You are not enough ,
it declared slicing through my heart like paper .

I look up to the mirror again ,
but I don't see a beast or a monster .
I see a warrior who's exhausted ,
I see a hero .

I look closer and see the unseen ,
hearts of gold and worlds unknown .
I see myself not searching for the light ,
but being the light .

Shining upon other in need ,
helping those who cannot help themselves .....
I AM ,

Although I'm skinny or fat ,
although I'm big or small .

I AM ,

This is a call of war ,
a call of someone who has been found .
All alone I found myself ,
and I am not going to lose myself again .

I stand up tall and proud ,
a smile on my face .


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