Broken heart

15 6 3

I looked into your eyes ,
and you into mine .
It felt like time stopped ,
yet it went too fast for my liking .

Your eyes sparkled ,
perhaps even more than the stars .
Your laugh so beautiful ,
I thought I'd might die .

I fell for you ,
but you didn't notice .
You pulled me under your trance ,
and still you didn't notice .

You controlled me like a puppet on string ,
but oblivious you were .
Endless thoughts and restless nights ,
I waited for you .

And the saddest part of all is ,
you didn't notice .
So when I gave you the clue ,
that my heart belongs with you .

Your laughs became silent ,
and the sparkle in your eyes faded .
You looked at me full of questions but said nothing ,
instead you turned around and walked the other way .

Leaving behind a mess of emotion ,
a shell of a girl who once loved .
For she once thought ,
words are better spoken than lost .

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