Dying love

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Dedicated to @Thalassa_Brytaye

Long ago ,
in a land very close .
A flower bloomed ,
bright and beautiful .

Her roots depper than any other ,
and her petals softer than any feather .
Her smile happy and content ,
her leaves pointy and strong .

She showed beauty and love ,
for her red petals were pure and passionate .
Creatures far and wide ,
stared at her in awe .

For she was the fairest ,
in all the land .
She shared her beauty and love ,
even smiles which made everyone happy .

One day a human stumbled past ,
his eyes mesmerized with her beauty .
She smiled up at him ,
like she always does .

" May I have you ?" He asked ,
she nodded yes .
But answered ,
" Only if you have a worthy heart ."

But he pulled out her roots ,
and cut her stem .
He rushed out of the forest ,
and plucked out a few of her petals .

He gave her to an unworthy heart ,
and so she was left in a glass .
She forgot the past ,
and began to grow .

But this time ,
her smiles were bright and precious .
Her leaves stronger ,
and her stem longer .

But nobody noticed ,
nobody cared .
She looked down ,
and vowed to herself .

' Only those with pure intentions ,
may touch my heart .
For unworthy hearts ,
would only use me to get their part .'

Her leaves shriveled to dust ,
her smile disappeared in loss of trust .
But then you still ask ,

why do roses have thorns ?

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