27. IC

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I was standing next to Sunstreaker's medical bed. Sideswipe was having surgery to get the knife removed from his body and I couldn't leave Sunstreaker. He wasn't even able to talk! His eyes were gray and he seemed to be in a lot of pain even he wasn't injured.

His breathing was quick, too quick and his heart was slowing down. Did it mean Sideswipe was dying? I nuzzled in his neck, "Sunny, please don't give up," I whispered. He didn't even react to me. His body was completely limp. The strength he once had was completely gone.

He was so helpless it hurt me to see him like this. His other half was dying and it affected him really quickly. I pressed my head against his. "I love you, Sunny..." I whispered while some tears rolled down my cheeks. It was like his body was having trouble breathing.

Ratchet strode in and I quickly turned around. "Sideswipe is in critical condition, I removed the knife from his flank, but it was deep and hit an artery," he said. "We can only hope he survives the night, but he's weak," he said. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "He can barely breath," I pointed at Sunstreaker.

Ratchet called in Jolt to help him. He removed his shirt and pants before he laid him on his stomach and gave him extra oxygen. "I can't do more than this," he said, covering him up. "Can I see, Sides?" He hesitated but gave a nod and gestured me to follow him.

"I've to warn you, it can be shocking," he said before he opened the door. I gasped, sideswipe was attached to wires, multiple infuses, his waist was wrapped up in bandages and he had a pipe through his throat to help him breathe. "We keep him in a coma," Ratchet said. I run my finger through his soft silky brown hair. "Please don't give up, Sideswipe. Please don't, I can't lose you, I didn't mean what I said... I don't want you dead, please don't leave me, not you too," I whispered while tears were rolling down my cheek. I kissed his cheek "please sides! I'm begging you, fight, please don't give up! I know you're a fighter please stay with me,"

I run my fingers through his soft hair and looked at Ratchet. "I keep an eye on him tonight, and hopefully he'll survive," he said. I felt the rage coming up "I'm gonna kill my sister," I hissed. Storming off, Ratchet run after me and grabbed me. "Let me go!" I snarled, kicking to get free. "Stop it, Liberty! It's not gonna help the twins," he hissed. "Let me go!" I spat, my vision was blurry from all my tears.

"Hey! Kiddo stop it," Ironhide grabbed me and I buried my face in his chest, crying. "I don't wanna lose them, Ironhide," he wrapped his arms around me and softly stroke my back. "It's okay, we have two strong front-liners! They will be fine," he stated. "Come," he took me with him, I was so upset and tired from all that had happened.

"Get some sleep," Ironhide suggested. I sniffled but nodded and strolled over to my room. It was quiet with Sunny. I flopped on my bed and curled up, letting the tears stream down my face and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up hours later, not feeling any better. My eyes were a bit swollen from crying. I hoist myself up, strolling over to the bathroom where I added some make-up on my face. I wasn't looking very better after that, but it could be worse.

I left my room to have some dinner and flopped next to Jazz. "Are you okay?" He asked. I sniffled "I don't know, I'm so scared of losing them," I whispered. He pulled me in a tight hug. "What if they die?"
"Then we lose two strong and brave warriors," Jazz murmured. I felt the tears well up in my eyes again but blinked away.

After dinner, I strolled over to the medbay and walked over to Sunstreaker, grasping his hand. "Sunny," I whispered. He didn't react, his dull eyes did open, they were gray. "I love you," I whispered, nuzzling in his neck. I could feel him loosely grab my hand. "Oh sunny, please don't leave me, baby," I murmured.

"I- I...lo-love you too..." he cracked, barely able to speak. He closed his eyes. I run my fingers through his soft silky blonde hair. "I'm gonna kill her," I murmured while stroking Sunny's head. He weakly opened his eyes, looking at me. I softly pressed a kiss his head and stood in my full height again. I left and strolled over to Sideswipe, his situation hadn't changed yet. I sat down on the edge, laying my hand on his leg. I hated to see him like this. I got up and softly thumbed his cheek and pressed my forehead against his. "don't die... please don't die," I murmured. I softly kissed his cheek.

"You mean so much for me..." I said before I got up and left the room. I couldn't stay here any longer and stare at him. I was ticked off about what my sister did and I wanted to make her suffer, I wanted her to feel what my poor boys had to feel.

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