37. Jealous

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I woke up in bed, with a shirtless Sunstreaker next to me. He was laying on his back and still asleep. I rolled closer towards him, wrapping my arm around him, my head upon his chest. We started to travel back to Washington DC but when the night started to fall we searched for a motel. Sideswipe slept on the couch with a poor blanket to keep him warm.

"How do you feel?" Sideswipe asked, but I ignored him. "Sunny?" I whispered, nuzzling in his neck. He hummed "good morning, Sunshine," I teased. He hummed, softly kissing my lips. "Morning beauty," he purred. Sideswipe cleared his throat "I am still here..." he said, getting up and sat down next to me. "What do you want?" I snapped. "Don't stay mad at me, Lib..." he said. I laid my hand on Sunstreaker's cheek. "Love you..." he smiled, pressing a kiss on my lips again. "Love you too..." he mumbled.

"Come on," Sunstreaker kicked the quilt away and sat on the edge. He only wore his boxers. "Lib!" I gazed at Sideswipe. "Don't stay mad at me..." he repeated. I huffed and wrapped my arms around Sunstreaker's waist, resting my head on his back. "Do you want to join me?" I asked. "I would be more the pleased," was his reply before he got up.

"Libert, wait..."

Sideswipe grabbed my arm. I turned around and hit cheek so hard he stumbled back and fell over his own feet. He hold his cheek, some Energon dripped from his lip. "Don't you dare to touch me, Sideswipe!" He snarled. I marched over to the bathroom. Sunstreaker followed and kicked the door closed. He turned on the water and we both undressed. With a huge smirk, he wrapped his arms around my waist. His hand lowered from my waist to my ass and thigh, wrapping my leg around his hip and smirked.

"What about... we have some morning fun?" He asked with a huge smirk across his face. "With a jealous Sideswipe waiting for us? In a motel?" I asked. "Why not? You'll love what I have in mind," he said. I hummed, kissing his lips.
"No, Sunny... not now, not here," I said, pulling back. He pouted a little but accepted it. "Whatever."
After our shower, we dressed up and caught Sideswipe sitting on the bed, staring at the wall. I ignored him and grabbed my shoes. "Lib! I need to talk to you! Please!" He begged but I ignored.

"We make a stop somewhere?" I asked. Sunstreaker nodded. "We can better hurry," he said. "Lib!"
I grabbed my jacket. Sideswipe grabbed my arm again, pulling me back towards him. "Please talk to me!"
"What do you want me to say! You slammed my head against your fragging alt-mode and on top of that... you let people tie me up and hurt me! What kind of friend are you!? You're not a friend... apparently you've never been my friend! All you did in the last few months is hurting me... humiliate me...  shown me you're not who I thought you were..."

"I am just happy your brother isn't like you..." I added coldly before turning around. "I wanted to help! I was worried and you were stubborn..." he said. "No! You didn't want me to reunite with your brother! You never wanted to go back to base... you only cared about yourself once again," I spat out. "Seriously! My sister is perfect for you!" I sneered. 

Sideswipe looked devastated while I followed Sunstreaker. I hopped in his alt-mode and moved his hand from the gear stick to my thigh, rubbing me. He didn't look at me as he did so. "Sunshine..." I removed his hand when his hand traveled to my inner thigh.
This time, he looked at me with a smirk all over his face. "You're so mine when we get back at the base!" He purred. I hummed, "I bet..." he squeezed my thigh before grasping his steering wheel. For a long period of time, we were silent. Sideswipe was far behind us. I glanced in the rear mirror.

"What are you going to do with him?"

I looked at Sunny beside me, "nothing? Giving him a cold shoulder maybe," I grumbled irritated. He sighed and rubbed my thigh a little in a comforting way. "I love you Lib... more then you know..." he said. I kissed the back of his hand. "Sunny, I love you too..." she whispered.

We reached the base around the end of the afternoon. I completely ignored Sideswipe while taking Sunny with me. I was greeted by the other Autobots and once again, I ended up in the medbay where Ratchet patched me up and gave me medication against the infection and pain.

He wanted me to stay for a while, but Sunny had to leave for a moment. This gave Sideswipe the opportunity to come to me. "I don't know what to do anymore..."
I turned away from him. "I can't say enough how sorry I am for the pain I caused you... but I do care and I do love you. I know I don't have the right, but can you please forgive me? One laag change is all I ask..."
I huffed and still didn't reply. "I love you... I have always loved you!" I stated. "Lier!" I snarled. "I did have you a last change, Sideswipe. You decided to screw it up... completely your damn fault!" I snarled.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked. "I'll do anything!" He stated. "Go away... and live with the fact that Sunstreaker is my boyfriend," I stated. "But I can't... Liberty... You love me too! I know because you love my brother and it works that way!" He stated. "Go away, piss off and go bother someone else. We are done... you're just— too much you and ruined everything."

He sighed and shook his head a little. "I am so sorry for disappointing you..." he whispered with testy eyes and left.

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