chapter 13

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"do you think they are mad at eachother? "Sandra whisperd. We where still on the couch cuddling .Jack and Jack and Taylor left after Tiffany got mad.we heard screaming and then a few minutes later ...we saw Tiffany walking up the stairs."I dont know they barely have any problems like their relationship is healthy and perfect "I quietly said and played with her hair."do u think they will break up?"she asked fiddling with her fingers "I hope not but it is wierd how cam is gonna like kiss Lia. When she was like crazy for him"I replied ."I just dont want anymore problems "she turned her head to face my face. "I know but its going to be fine though "I said "Matt everything with us or like anything we do or happens ...its never ok or fine"she said. I couldn't lie what she said was the truth "but we manage to make things ok"I said looking at the bright side. "yea yea ...but like what will happen when we go our seperate ways at some point? "She trailed off while sitting up. Still looking at me"Sandra what do u mean?"I chuckled sitting up as well "I dont know im stupid "she groaned and laid back "come on dont be like that your smart and beautiful and I will never go anywere with out you"I said while pulling her back into my chest and kissed her.she smiled after I told her that. "Matt call Nash lets go"Cameron said "why?its barely like 7 o'clock "I said coming up with a reason not to leave "Matthew just go call him please!"he said like if he was annoyed "I will go get him "Sandra said quickly getting up."Bro what are you so mad?"I asked while walking up to him."not in the mood Matthew "he groaned

I was sitting in the chair while Jamie was sitting on the bed .we had talked for a bit and she showed me all of her scars and every story behind to each scar. I felt the pain I really did .I broke her and it was my fault but she doesn't want to me balme it on me.I just need to be here for her.make her and treat her like a queen.
Ones with scars deserve to be treated like a queen

Even with no scars she was always my queen. And that will never change."Nash why do u care for me so much "she asked .I smiled because I had so many reasons "because your my everything and its my job to make you feel like a queen "I smiled .she smiled "do u care for me?"I asked "YES! OF -god yes I do "she quickly got up "woah okay okay"I chuckled, she giggled a bit "so what do u want for Christmas ?"she asked while grabbing a blanket."you"I said without even thinking "I mean uhh I want -shit "I nervously smiled .she laughed "how nice I will see where I could get that"she said in a sarcastic tone. I chuckled, oh god how I love her smile it makes me feel warm all up inside. "So when do u know like you will get back on track?"I trailed off "I dont know I need a bit time and I also feel really bad "she said

"Why?its okay"

"No its not okay its horrible im a horrible person for just leaving my fans and my haters must think im a fucking coward cuz I backed out and I have stopped what I loved doing so that means they got what they want gosh everything happens to me "she groaned and walked into the restroom .I got up and walked inside. I found her sitting on the edge of the bath tub crying "Jamie please dont put everything on you it hurts me to see you cry please dont cry I love you and I will always love you nothing in the world would change that. Not even for a million dollies your worth so much im so lucky that I could even TALK to you guys at our school are always talking about you and how beautiful you are and it hurts me to know that your not mine.but I still love you. Your perfect in every single way. Please dont cry dont do this self harm shit its stupid and it doesn't help your worth much more. More than all the billions trillions diamonds in the whole world. Its just painful to see you cry or even frown I want to see your amazing smile "I said lifting up her head.

DID HE REALLY JUST SAY ALL OF THAT?!OMG WHAT JAMIE WTF ahhhhh .I felt so loved he has never said that to me EVER neither has any other boy but Nash gosh he is the fucking one. We have been apart for almost like 3-2 months and as every single day passes by slowly Im painfully in hurts. I love him and I want to be with him. his birthday is in 6 days and I want to be his girlfriend the best.

I looked at Nash's beautiful blue eyes and It reminded me the first date he took me on and the first kiss we had.He started to lean in and so did I next thing you know ...."hey Na-oopps sorry"we quickly seperated and got up "hmm Nash ,Cameron wants you"Sandra said."oh uhh okay well bye Jay "he looked at me and left my room. I smiled, Sandra leaped over to me and jumped on me "what ow get off-sandra! !"I shouted "what oh sorry -what was that?!"she whispered yelled "what? Why are u whispering?"I asked while sitting on my bed "you know ....Nash muawh muwah!!"she made kissy noises "Sandra shut up "I laughed "y'all almost kissed !I thought y'all weren't together ?"

"We arnt but we got caught up in the moment?"I shrugged my shoulders ."oh god y'all will be together in no time"she giggled.
Cameron's pov

"Why are we leaving agian?oh yea cuz Cameron is to pissed off! !!"Nash yelled while buckling he seat belt "just shut up can you"I rolled my eyes and started the car "god why cant you see Lia is like so crazy for you SHE IS OBSESSED WITH YOU!!just call off the kissing scene "Nash shouted from the back seat "NASH SHUT UP!"I yelled while stepping on the breaks "BOTH OF YALL STOP AND JUST DRIVE HOME!"Matthew yelled at both of us loud and clear.I drove us home and when we got out I opened to door and went straight into my room.I took off my shirt and just laid in bed. I was just thinking about Tiffany she is the only thing on my mind a 19 year old girl. With green eyes and blonde hair.I was just thinking until I got a skype call from ...Lia.
Hey guys only 4 more days untill Nash's birthday! !!anyways next 20 reads soo share my book to other people on wattpad that you know! !❤also I will be updating on Christmas Day

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