chapter 18

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Okay I just realized that from my other sequal book (I dont have my pw to it anymore) I left off at chapter 9 not 10 lol so I started off with chapter 11,yea Confusing.enjoy!!
      Tiffany's Pov

"How -how and why "I sobbed "Tiffany im so so sorry I didn't think that was gonna happen okay "he said "no its your fault why I went through this because of y-you"I cried and I looked at my hands. I saw the promise ring he gave me. We stayed quiet for like 10 minutes then the ride started to move. "Tiffany im sorry so sorry I didn't know what I was doing I was high she convinced to do it I didn't even remember half of it okay im sorry I love you and only you"he said as we were going down "no I dont want to hear it " I said and got out of the cart thing and walked down the boardwalk. "Tiffany! "I heard him shout. I looked at the beach it was night time already and the carnival lights lid up the beach. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't even bother turning around "Tiffany im so so so sorry I didn't mean it, I would never do anything in the world to hurt you and you know that please please forgive me -you dont have to talk to me -delete my number -all of our pictures as if u never even met me,I will stay away from u if u want and u can live your life without me just as long your big beautiful heart is beating and your breathing, im alive but just remember I will always love you "he cried. I looked at him and I felt loved so loved but broken at the same time,I took off my promise ring and observed it "Cameron I love you -but I cant be with you "I looked at him in the eyes. "I j-just need t-time okay and u have to prove it to me -prove it that you love me and that your sorry but I n-need time to heal "I sobbed a bit "can I atleast drive you home "he asked .I played with my promise ring and stayed quiet "im gonna call a cab " I said ,he nodded and kissed my forhead .I looked back at the beach, I heard laughter in the backround ,I could hear Cameron's footsteps fadeing away untill I heard nothing but screaming and laughing . I took the promise ring I had in the palm of my hand. Remembered all the bad moments and all the anger I had in me. "Why ?"I whisperd to myself as I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. I grabbed the ring and threw it into the sand ,I looked at the sand for a bit and I couldn't help it.I ran down the stairs and onto the beach where I threw the ring but I couldnt find it. I was searching and searching for it. "Im so stupid "I fell on my knees and cried quietly. I grabbed my wallet and fluffed dog Cameron won for me and left the beach. I called the cab "hello umm I would like a cab -yes - im at the main entrance of the Winter Fair "I said into the phone "okay your ride will be there shortly." The guy on the phone said, a few minutes passed and a car honked at me "are u the girl who needed a cab? "He asked "yes "I got into the car and told him the directions. I went into the house, "hey Tiffany what's wrong?"Jamie asked "I remember everything and now I wish that I never remembered it"I cried "awee T its okay their guys and they make mistakes and trust me he is gonna have to pay big time "Jamie hugged me and rubbed my back."thanks your always there for me "I sniffled "that's why im your sister"she smiled and handded me a hot cup of chocolate. "Okay while we are here talking I ummm well me and Sandra were out in the back yard and we had fireworks "Jamie trailed off "we popped them and now we have to move out of this neighborhood in 2 weeks "Sandra said while putting her hands on her waist. "And u think we have the money?"I asked them "yes me and Sandra were saving up to move out anyways "Jamie laughed "okay well I have been saving up for a tv but ehh it can wait "I giggled. "Well Tiffany Shambrah Green pack up cuz we are gonna be out of here by Friday, we have 3 plane tickets to LA. "Sandra smiled "ahhhh what LA?!"I screamed while jumping up and down "yep and we have been searching for a beach house " Jamie smiled and showed me her laptop "what about the guys "I asked "the reason why I haven't been hanging out with nash today it cuz he is packing up and leaving to LA too with Cameron and Matt is leaving us on Friday " Jamie explained it to me "okay so nash and Cameron leave ...."

"They leave tommorw "they said "oh okay well I better pack up and have a good time here in Canada while I can "I smiled and ran upstairs .I packed all of my clothes in a suite case and all my shoes in another one. In LA there isn't any cold weather so I guess I will put all of my winter clothes in another case. I finished packing up my clothes and I got boxes out to put all my little stuff like my makeup collection and stuffed animals ,sulvinears/my house things.  (idk how to spell lol)

We spent all night packing up and putting everything in boxes. We are half way done and I had to pack my guitar and piano and stuff. Ect ..

"Hey Sandra how is the xbox gonna be safe in the freaking plane "Jamie yelled through out the house "hmmm idk but if it comes out broken they paying "I giggled. We packed everything, we are selling our furniture and beds and getting new ones in LA. So we have Thursday, then Friday night we leave. "Hey im going to sleep " I yawned "okay "they shouted. I went upstairs and looked at my purple empty room  and laid down on my mattress and fell asleep

I woke up and went downstairs, Jamie was asleep on the couch and Tiffany on the carpet.I went on my phone and made a vine "look where I found them" I said while recording .Jamie yawned and her eyes fluttered open "hey she's awake " I giggled and ended the video and posted it. "Hey um get the moving truck guys and tell them to pick up our stuff "she said while getting food for bubbles. Yes he is still alive lol, "kay "I got out my phone and dialed them then later on they put everything into the truck and said by the time we are at our house the stuff will be placed in the house. "Okay thanks guys " we said and the rest of the day went by fast,and we went to sleep.So here we go -hi Thursday!
Hey guys I cant bieleve I finished this right after my other chapter :) anyways thanks so much for alot I love y'all!!

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