chapter 16

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Okay wow I BARELY updated chapter 15 yesterday night and it already got to 113 .thank you so much❤.and today is Nash's birthday!!❤

Song:Next to you by:chris brown ft. Justin Bieber
anyways enjoy
     Tiffany's Pov

The doctor said I could go home today. But Jamie wasn't here neither was Sandra I was stuck with that boy with brown hair  hmmm what's his name "hey sorry I dont remember but what's your name agian?"I asked nicely "Cameron "he smiled. He has an amazing smile! !"Cameron try not to rush things "the doctor warned him before we left."do u want to get Starbucks? "He asked me "yes!"I shouted. He flinched a bit,I laughed "im sorry "I giggled. I buckled my seatbelt and looked at the mirror,in the back seat I saw 2 bright green backpacks .
------Flash back------
"Do we have homework?"I asked Cameron "I honestly dont know I wasnt play attention "he chuckled "I was distracted "he said. We took off our matching green backpacks and put them in the back seat
----end of flashback---

"I REMEMBER SOMETHING "I gasped ."what do u remember ?"he asked. I could hear the hope in his voice. "Our matching green backpacks"I smiled. "Oh "he frowned a bit "im sorry that's all I remember "I apologized "its fine"he said while driving, I kept looking out the window.

Why? Why do I have to be so stupid!!I gripped on to the stirring wheel."you okay?dont drive to fast"she said ,her voice soothen me "yea "I said taking a right then parking. We got out and went inside.I went up to the register and ordered .I looked at her she was about yo say something but I stopped her "she would like a caffe mocha "I told the lady at the register "names "she said

"Tiffany and Cameron" Tiffany said "it will be ready in like 10 minutes "the lady smiled. Me and Tiffany took a seat. "So tell me about yourself "she smiled,god how I love her smile "well uuhh im a famous Viner and I do youtube too I uh have some videos of us"I slightly smiled "oh can I see?"she asked I pulled out my phone and but the trivia one where we had smashed wipcream at eachothers faces if we got an answer wrong "nope that wrong "I heard Tiffany say in the video "what?!your favorite color is green "I heard my voice "nope its -*smashes whippcream in my face*GREEN AND PINK!!"I heard her scream in the video. It ended and I saw nothing but a smile on her face "we were a cute couple"she giggled a bit "yea but I had to be stupid and mess up things "I groaned. "Tiffany and cameron"a voice said. We got up and got our drinks.

"Whoah excuse me?!"I asked in shock "yea that's right u ate the icing off the cupcake! "Sandra whined and blamed it on me "whattttttttt? "I put my hand over my heart and extended the 't' in 'what's lol "Matthew go get icing! "She demanded .I walked to the closet and grabbed a icing pack thing. I opened it started to cover the cupcake in icing "what time is Nash coming? "Sandra asked Jay "in like 40 minutes Carter said he is taking a long time to try on pants. "I heard Jamie yell through out the house

"Nash hurry up dude "I heard Taylor say "yea yea I know"I grunted. I got the wrong size and made them fit I dont know how but it looked good,they were skinny jeans !!the zipper got stuck and I was trying to take them off but I was gonna rip it."Nash what's taking so long? "Carter knocked "dude hmm we have a problem "I said"what? "They replied "the pants don't fit an their stuck"I said .I opened the door and let them look at it.Carter fell to the floor laughing so did Taylor along with Jack J."help"I demanded .they calmed down and help me "one two three "carter said and they all tryed to pull them down but it was like ripping off my dick,way to go nash happy birthday to me!!*note sarcastic * "ow ow ow "I said like a little kid "stop!"

"No we have to keep pull-"I cut Carter off "no I can't "

"We have to Nash -"

"No no no "

We all just ended up arguing "YOUR GONG TO RIP OF MY DICK! !"I shouted and every one went silent. I could hear soft whispers out side the fitting room."is everything okay"a Guy asked while looking at the guys who were holdding on to my pants "no Mister this stupid ass got his pants stuck "Jack J said while he crawled through my legs like a little kid."oh god"he said. "I will have to cut them off with the emergency sicciorz "he said "emergency scissors? "We all asked .the guy turned around went into a closet then came back out with some big ass pair of scissors "what the hell!"Taylor shouted "bye"Carter and Jack G left "okay hold his pants put 2 tall men please "he said Jack G and Taylor came and pulled my pants up."ahhh "I yelped as the made the pants go up my ass. He grabbed the scissors and poked me in placed I didn't want to get poked.
27 minutes later

"your gonna have to pay for these you know "he Chuckled "yea"I grunted and put my pants back on "I will pay"Carter laughed and left the fitting room. We left the mall and when we arrived home at the front door when I was unlocking I heard music "one day when the sky is falling I will be standing right next youuuuu right next to you!"I heard Sandra sing while matthew was playing a Justin bieber music video of 'next to you ' ft Chris brown. Matt was dancing "you got that smile that only heaven can make "Jamie sang and then she saw me,She was counter "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NASH!!!"Tiffany came running towards me and smiled "you remember! !"Jamie smiled "I did!oh wow I rememberd "she smiled "you remember anything else "I asked her "hmm Matthew is 17 and Cameron hmmm he -he gave me this promise ring"she smiled and looked ay her ring "yea "we all said "HAPPY BRITHDAY BABE"Jamie jumped on me and kissed me all over my face. "I love you" she hugged me and kissed me on my lips. "Thanks ".A few minutes later they sang happy birthday to me and we had a bit fun.Tiffany gained some of her memory but non about 2 days ago.where Cameron cheated on her.
Hey I hope u enjoyed this chapter and today is NASH' S BIRTHDAY I LOVE HIM TO DEATH AND HE IS 17 YEARS OLD WISH HIM THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER ANYWAYS thanks for the likes I love y'all and ughh idk how to thank y'all!!I love you my alphas! ❤

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