chapter 15

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God dayum today I wanted to see how many views my book has gotten and idk where were we when I updated chapter 14 like around 33 views or 20 something idk but that went up really quick!!70 ...something views wow thanks anyways hope u enjoy this chapter! !

"Where did u find her cam?tell me please "I begged ."Tiffany was upset about the whole lia kissing thing ...she got mad and was ignoring earlier this afternoon I went to the store bumped into lia and decided to drive her home and she had gotten ...a hookah -I "Cameron stopped "I got high I didn't know what was happening and next thing u know lia is sucking on me and Tiffany is throwing things at me and she ran out the door.I tried to call her and say sorry but she left in her car.I got mad at lia and shit then went after Tiffany. We were at a stop light and I was only a f-few cars ahead of her and then she got in a car crash "he said with tears in his eyes."god damit !!so its basically your fault! "I angrily poked him with my finger "hopefully god gives u another chance to get your shit together a treat Tiffany like a fucking queen you dick head!"I angrily said and walked to the elevator. "Jamie where are u going? "Nash said coming Inside "to the roof"I said"why?"

"Cause its peaceful "I rolled my eyes and pressed the 10 floor. From there I ran up the stairs and climbed a few ladders.I finally reached to the top and saw the town.I sat down and took a deep breath. A few minutes later Nash sat next to me

"Jamie "


"Nothing "

"what is it?"

"Why are u so different? Why are u so gorgeous? So helpful -handful!?"he asked looking straight into my eyes making me nervous ."i-i dont k-know"I replied sounding like an idiot. "Do I make u nervous? "He leaned over and whisperd in my ear,then gently brushed his lips on my ear.I was under his shadow, under is spell."y-yea"I replied. He put both of his hands next to my thighs on the chair but I was still under his shadow.I turned my body a bit and I could feel his chest pressing on mine.

I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON WITH ME RIGHT just playing cool I guess lol.I could feel her boobs on my chest and I loved that feeling when I Hugged her. It made me think that she is mine and her body is mine so she cant hurt it because its perfect the way it is .Her tiny hands traveled up my chest and to the collar of my shirt she pulled it so that our noses where gently touching. My hands on her lower back. "I missed you"she whisperd. I could already taste her sweet breath.her mouth idk it just taste so good ...ooohh also her lips especially when she has those flavored lipgloss. Man! !"I m-missed you too " I said. My hands quickly pulled her by her lower back which causes her to gasp a bit.I took my chance and crashed my lips on hers. Oh my god that feeling FELT SO GOOD I FELT ALIVE AGIAN! !!she kissed back but more harder like if she was hungry and wanting my lips for a long time. We were having a full makeout session at the top of a hospital. I pulled away and smiled. "Jamie would u please pretty please be my girlfriend again "I asked while getting up. She got up also and smiled "yes I would love to be your girlfriend agian"she flashed her amazing smile at me.I was probably smiling like an idiot but oh well its not the first time she has seen me like this.I extended my arms and she jumped into them I know she could reach the floor so she kept her feet up and kissed me.I spun her around a few times and she laughed .

"Relatives can now go see Tiffany Green "the doctor said "Cameron u go inside while me and Matt go get Nash and Jamie "I demanded and Cameron nodded his head .we went up to the 10 floor.found stairs that go up even more then ladders. We got to the top and heard a conversation. "Jamie will u be my girlfriend agian?"Nash asked Jay.aweee I quicky pulled our my phone and recorded them for a im a creep but oh well "yes I will be your girlfriend agian"Jay smiled and jumped into his arms and kissed him RIGHT THERE I GOT IT!!"got it "I whisperd and showed Matt. He chuckled .I heard laughing and Nash was spinning Jamie around. Its been along time since I heard Jamie laugh like that, that's good."LOVE BIRDS "Matthew shouted and ran up to them.I thought he was behind me!!I got up too."we can see Tiffany now "I said "oh Jamie and look"I showed her the picture of her and Nash. She smiled "send that to me"

"Me too"Nash said. I nodded and sent it to them. We were going down the ladders and waiting for one another
Cameron's pov

Room 306 .306."304...305....ah 306"I smiled and went in.I saw Tiffany awake on her phone. "Hey Tiffany im so so sorry for all the-"she cut me off

"Wait wait wait who are you?"she asked "how do u know my name?"she asked. "I-im your boyfriend -actually ex"I slowly said while walking up to her "why would I break up with you. Your seem like a keeper "she giggled "Tiffany im Cameron -think try to remember "I said "she will gain her memory back in a few months"the doctor said "is this permanent? "I asked. "no I just said she-"

"Tiffany! !"Jamie said and Hugged her."jay when did u get a new phone? "Tiffany asked while getting Jamie's phone " like a month ago? Tiffany? "Jay backed up."she lost her memory.she doesn't remember me or non of the guys "I said. Im heart broken I am.but I deserve this I need to go through the paid she went through. "Memory what do u mean I lost my memory? I remember Jamie and Sandra. Who are u and u?"she asked while looking at Matt and Nash "im Jamie's boyfriend Nash"Nash said "and im Matthew Sandras boyfriend "Matt said looking a bit shocked. "Oh Jamie u didn't tell me"Tiffany smiled "Tiffany do u remember this?"Sandra said pulling out her phone showing a picture of me and Tiffany kissing at Magcon and a few videos "nope Cameron -I used to date u?!"she asked in shock "yea used to"I said putting my hands in my face

"Yea used to"the boys with brown hair and a bit buff said.he seemed sad and shocked. So does the boy with blue eyes and Sandras boyfriend. I really dont know who these boys are."why? How? "I asked with tears in my eyes. I feel like I lost half of my life.
Wow shocking anyways I don't think u have seen my trailor of infinity and beyond the first book. Not the sequel the first one.anyways go on my instagram
Anyways thank you so much now try to make it to a 100 views!!ik u can do it anyways I love you my Alphas byee

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