Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We sit there a little longer, talking. "You know, I never suspected it was you leaving me the love letters." I tell him. "Why's that?" he asks. "You're always so quiet. Just didn't know those words could come from you." I tell him laughing softly. He pulls me closer and says "You'd be surprised what I'm capable of." he says softly. I look up at him and he kisses me softly and I deepen the kiss. When we separate, I whisper "I am so glad it's you." He kisses me one more time and says "You ready to head to the clubhouse?" I shake my head and say "How about you stay with me tonight and we walk in together in the morning?" I ask. "You sure?" he asks. "Yeah. I want a little more time alone with you before we tell everyone." I tell him and he smirks at me. "You ready to go?" he asks and I nod.

Following me back to my house, I unlock the door and head inside with him behind me. We take off our shoes at the door and he hangs his kutte on the hook by the door. Walking into the kitchen, he follows me. "You hungry?" I ask. "I could eat." he says, taking a seat at the table and watching me. I grab both of us beers and handing him one. He stands up and walks over to me and wraps his arms around me and I lean back into him. "What are you making?" he asks. "Empanadas." I say and he smiles. "Sounds perfect baby." He says and I'm comfortable with him. I turn my head and he kisses me softly. "Now sit." I tell him. Kissing me one more time, he moves to the table to sit while I cook.

When the food is done, we eat together and he helps me clean the kitchen. We head to the living room and he sits on the couch. I sit next to him and we turn on a movie. Not long after the movie starts, I feel his fingers rubbing up and down my side. I move to straddle him and he asks "What do you need mi amor?" I smirk and say "I need my man to love me." He kisses deeply before standing up and carrying me to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed gently, he hovers over me and never breaks the kiss. We start shedding clothes between kisses before he looks at me to make sure I want this and I kiss him softly and whisper "Love me Hank." He whispers against my lips "Always." before kissing me deeply as he enters me slowly and makes love to me all night long.

Waking up the next morning, I am snuggled into Hank's chest. I smile knowing it wasn't a dream. I'm here with Hank. He's my Casanova. I place soft kisses to his chest and feel him pull me closer. I look up at him and he looks down at me and kisses me softly. "Buenos Dias mi amor." he whispers. "Good morning baby." I whisper back. He hovers over me again and I ask "Do we have time?" He nods before entering me and making love to me nice and slow like he did the night before.

After finding our release together, we get up and get dressed before getting up and getting ready for work. Walking out to his bike, he hands me a helmet and climbs on. I get on behind him and he pulls my hand from his stomach to his lips and kisses my knuckles and I smile wide. We head to the scrapyard and when we walk into the clubhouse, everyone looks at us, walking in, hand in hand and they all look shocked. Everyone but Bishop. We walk to the bar and Chucky places a coffee in front of us. "I gotta talk to Bishop a minute." he tells me. "Okay. I'll be right here." I tell him and he kisses me softly before walking over to the table where Bishop was sitting. Lanie walks over and asks "That's Casanova?" I nod and she hugs me and says "I am so fucking happy for you." she tells me. "Thanks. I can't believe it was him. I just never thought he'd want me." I tell her and she says "Honey, you're glowing." I blush a little and she asks "How was it?" I smile softly and say "Better than I could have ever imagined." I tell her. Angel walks over and asks "That was your hot date?" I nod and he hugs me and says "Congrats Princesa." I smile and say "Thanks Angel."

I look over at Hank and he nods for me to come to him. I grab my coffee and walk over and he pulls me into his lap. "Congrats bebita." Bishop tells me. "Thanks Bishop." and Bishop nods. I look at Hank and he kisses me softly. "I better head to the office." I tell him. "I'll be there in a few." I nod and say "Okay baby." before kissing him and heading out to the office with a smile on my face with Hank watching me as I go. "Be good to her brother." Bishop says. Hank nods and follows me out to the office. When he walks inside, he comes over to the counter. I lean across and kiss him softly and when we separate, we both have smiles on our faces.

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