Pointing Guns

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     They drove over a river and down the road, passing by a couple of people whom Y/N waved cheerily to. Some of them waved back, looking slightly confused. She knew that she should be feeling anxious about what was to come, but she couldn't bring herself to. No matter what happened now, she was better off than before.

      Finally, she felt that it was time, and checked the little hand-drawn map in her notebook, then asked the taxi driver to let her out. He looked around at their empty surroundings.

      "You're sure?" he asked, a little nervously, she thought.


      He let her out, then sped away in the direction that they had come from. It had been a short drive.

      The phrase 'a long walk off a short plank' entered her mind, but she firmly pushed it away. Her whole life had been a long walk with no end in sight. Now, it was kind of comforting that someone else would be deciding the length of the plank for her.

      Now that she was standing again, she felt her hours of sleeplessness and stress catch up to her in a dizzying rush, making her sway on her feet. She tried to shake it off. Her day wasn't anywhere close to done yet.

     She started her walk down the road, no longer encountering passers-by, but enjoying the country air nonetheless. Not only would it have been around a four-hour walk from the airport, it also would have been suspicious had she left on foot. But with the taxi driver's help it only took a little over forty minutes before her destination came into view.

     A beautiful building further up the road, breathtaking in its architecture. But before that... a gate. With guards. With guns.

      She knew that they had seen her before she had seen them, as they were already standing in position, gun muzzles aimed at her. Though she had grown up in a seedy part of Detroit, she didn't recognise these weapons. Probably something made in North Korea only.

     She walked closer, heart pounding hard now, anxiety finally penetrating her brain, adrenaline forcing her body to give one last hurrah. Raising her hands above her head, she shouted, "Don't shoot! Please!"

      'This wouldn't work back home,' she thought deliriously. 'Cops would have shot by now.'

      The guards stormed up to her, more of them appearing seemingly from nowhere as they surrounded her.

     "Drop the bag!" one of them shouted, gesturing with his gun muzzle.

      Y/N very slowly reached one arm down and slung off her bag, tossing it carefully away.

      The guards rushed in, shouting, "On your knees! Hands behind your head."

     She complied, feeling her heartbeat in her eyelids.

     "What are you doing here, foreigner?" barked a man.

      Y/N took a deep breath. This was it- the big jump. The make or break of her plan. She knew that she didn't have long to answer, so she released the breath that she had been holding and looked the guard who had spoken in the eye.

     The words rolled off of her tongue, just as she had rehearsed. "I'm an American spy. I need to speak to the Supreme Leader."

Don't worry good people, North Korea is coming soon. Also, do you prefer using 'she,' or should I change it to 'you?' Like, 'She screamed,' or 'you screamed.'

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