Park Walk

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     Y/N froze up as North Korea crossed the rest of the street towards her.

      'Why? Why would SH do this to me?'

      "U-Um... Hello," Y/N said very cautiously.

       The Countryhuman nodded tersely to her. He looked more tense than usual.

    "Um... Is SH okay?" she asked awkwardly, partly to break the silence and partly out of concern for her friend.

      "She's fine. She can handle herself," North Korea said before verbally pivoting. "What were you two doing before she left?"

     Y/N didn't miss the topic change, but also didn't pursue it. "Ah, SH was going to show me her art, and then give me a tour of the city... B-But it's okay!" She raised her hands quickly. "I can just finish my Korean books if you take me back."

       "It's fine," North Korea said, walking away. "I can show you around." He stopped and turned around to look at Y/N, who was trying to wrestle her fight-or-flight response. "Well, are you coming? You can spend all day inside if you want, but I would rather not."

       The girl scurried after the country, who was already striding down the street, deciding that both flight and fight were impractical in this situation. "Really, it's okay. I'm sure you're busy-"

    "Someone needs to watch you, and my other provinces are out. I would rather have one of us with you than just guards." He didn't look at her as he walked. "South Hamgyong will want to show you her Art Gallery herself, so we are going to go to Mansudae Park."

      "Okay..." Y/N was incredibly nervous, both about spending time with the Countryhuman, and about South Hamgyong, but didn't have enough courage to question North Korea again. So she kept quiet as they walked, observing the colourful buildings and the civilians.

       Something that she noticed that she had seen with SH, too, was how well the people reacted to North Korea- they smiled when they saw him, and bowed in respect, just like they had with the province. In her home country, their Countryhuman and his States tended to be received with a mix of extreme hatred or rabid devotion, and they had never gone anywhere without guards.

       'Though,' Y/N thought, glancing up at the roofs of the buildings around them. 'I guess I wouldn't see any guards if there are some watching.'

      "Your people all... really seem to like you," she ventured, glancing at the country.

       "Surprised? Should they be cowering and too afraid to look me in the eye?" He used said eye to glare at her, and she squeaked, looking away again.

      They walked for a few more minutes, and the tense silence was starting to get to Y/N. She felt the urge to say something building up inside her, until-

       "Is it true you believe in unicorns?" she blurted out, before violently clapping a hand to her mouth. 'Why did I say that?!'

       "What?!" North Korea asked incredulously, slipping into Korean in surprise, and spinning his head to look at her. He sounded genuinely shocked.

       "I'm so so sorry," Y/N babbled. "I didn't mean to say that, it's just- on TV, I saw once that your scientists said they found a unicorn lair, and I just-" She cut herself off before she could say anything else stupid, semi-expecting the Countryhuman to pull out a gun and just waste her.

       Instead he barked a sharp laugh, baring his teeth. "I guess I shouldn't be so worried about Western propaganda after all. Do you really believe that?"

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now