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      Sunday morning came, and they all dragged themselves back to the train station.

        Y/N had sand everywhere that you could get sand, and had woken up freezing, even though Chagang and North had kept the fire burning all night.

       All in all, an enjoyable experience. They had made popcorn, and Y/N had received a bunch of war stories, as well as typical fireside tales, disguised as history lessons about folklore, because 'spiritualism is frowned upon,' according to Hwang.

        At one point, Hae got tossed back into the sea by North Hamgyong.

       Currently the small province was passed out, facedown on the table in the train compartment that she was sharing with SH.

       North stifled a yawn. Y/N didn't think that he had slept.

       "You should sleep," she suggested, but the country just snorted.

     "I can't sleep if I'm around people," he muttered, suppressing another yawn.

      Y/N could believe this- every time that they slept together, North had still been awake when she drifted off. She didn't take it personally- he had to be paranoid and alert.

       Plus, it made her feel safe to have him watching over her.

      When they returned to the high-rise around noon, they all went almost immediately to bed. Sleeping on a beach in the middle of September just didn't provide you with enough rest.

      They brushed their teeth, then everyone went their seperate ways, besides her and North, who both went to the Countryhuman's bedroom.

  Y/N was surprised when after North had taken off his water-wrinkled button-up, leaving it folded neatly on the floor, he didn't put on another shirt, instead curling up on the futon. Y/N didn't draw attention to this, seeing how stiff he looked, and knowing it must be difficult for him, but that he was making the effort for her. It warmed her heart as she lay down next to him.

       After a few minutes, she realised that he wasn't falling asleep.

      "North?" she whispered, sitting up. "Do you want me to leave, so you can sleep?"

      His hand shot out, gently clutching her wrist. "No... stay," he muttered. "I... I want you here."

      The Countryhuman pulled Y/N's head down to his bare chest, and she blushed, tensing.

       "Are you alright?" North asked. "I can let you go."

      "No." Y/N shook her head fiercely. "This is good." She forced herself to relax, wrapping her arms around North's torso.

      When his breathing became deep and even, she realised that he had fallen asleep.

       And, with the country's heart beating under her ear, it wasn't long before Y/N herself nodded off with him.

       When Y/N next woke up, the sun was setting, casting long fingers of red light into the room.

       'There goes my sleep schedule,' she thought to herself, blushing when she realised that her head was still on North's chest.

       She pulled back, looking at his face in the light. His smooth blue skin, patterned with the red band, the pink scar that curved over his left eye, the only abnormality.

       Reaching out, Y/N gently traced a fingertip over one of the country's white stripes. When her skin touched his, North's eyes snapped open- one white, the other empty- and he caught her wrist.

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now