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       Y/N's first day of work started off with SH and North Korea walking in on her huddled in the corner wrapped in her futon.

      The Countryhuman (who had been knocking impatiently on the door until SH barged in) regarded her with his eye, not looking confused exactly, but definitely like he didn't know quite what to make of the situation.

        A few seconds earlier, Y/N had woken up, stretched peacefully, then screamed and panicked, sprinting for the corner of her room when loud music started blasting through it from outside. It was a mix of a wailing instrument and eerie chanting that had made her instinctively grab her futon and throw it over herself like a cloak. Her still half-asleep brain foggily insisted that it was the Rapture, and at any moment the Lord's son himself was going to walk through the door and judge her soul.

       Instead all she got was her two housemates wondering what the hell she was doing.

     "Um, Y/N?" asked SH. "What are you doing?"

         Y/N did not have an answer for her question. "W-What is that?" she asked instead.

      North Korea's eye flicked towards the window, then back to her. "Music."

      Ohhhhhhhhhhh. She really should have asked what the music was last night. It would have spared her some terror.

      "Why does it sound like that?"

       SH and North Korea exchanged glances. "Like what?"

        "Like- nevermind. I'll just... get ready now."

        The two left the room, and Y/N got dressed in a (F/C) skirt and black high-necked top. She smoothed the semi-coarse fabric over her thighs, feeling a little thrill of happiness shoot through her. Who knew that an act as simple as picking out clothes for yourself and wearing them could make someone so happy?

      Her happiness only dimmed a little when she had to look in her hand-held mirror to cover the bruise on her cheek with the (S/C) foundation.

      Outside of her room she met up with SH, who took her down to breakfast. When they walked through the door, South Hwanghae squealed and leaped to her feet, rushing them.

      "Good morning, y'all! Did you sleep alright? Are ya excited to start work today?"

     The province's stream of questions left Y/N overwhelmed, unable to grasp the words through her accent. "Y-Yeeeeeeees?" she ventured, hoping that that covered at least the last question.

       "Oh, that's good! Ah know it can be scary sleepin' alone. In fact ah-"

       "Hae," SH said politely. "Some of us would like to eat breakfast."

       "Oops, sorry!" South Hwanghae chirped, and they took their place at the table with Ryanggang, North Korea and Chagang.

         Y/N stared at the table, chopsticks hanging limply in her hand. She wasn't quite afraid, per-se, moreso worried about who all would see her performance.

       'I'm sure it will be fine...' she thought. 'He never watches foreign news...' Unless that had changed with her disappearance.

       "Y/N? Y/N!" SH's voice snapped her out of her reverie. "Are you okay?"

      "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just... nervous." She noticed North Korea giving her a searching look, but when she turned her eyes to him, he looked away.

      "Can ah cut your hair?"

          That brought her attention back to South Hwanghae and away from the country. "What?"

Safeway Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now