Isle unto Thyself

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Winding (2/12/21: ITS FUVKING BLINDING SHINING STAR)shining star
You won't see so far...

A\N 10\25\2020 This is where the cult starts

POV of Dakota Foxx

I stood at the train station, It was my parent's Wedding,(WHO TAKES A TRAIN TO A WEDDING?) My younger sister, Alex,(ALEX IS A FANCY WORD FOR TINY ASS MISSOURI)was clinging on to me. When I was younger, my parents divorced, and my mother took me. I am now 14, and she's marrying a new guy, the man who helped birth my sister. (THAT SOUNDS WEIRD)

"Are you excited?" My mother asked. "Yeah, I guess so..." I replied. I never really liked leaving home, so going to this wedding was a struggle.

Soon, the train arrived. We went inside the train as the door closed and got into our seats. I really didn't like this, due to my claustrophobia. My two-year-old sister started out the window, "Mommy, mommy, look a bus!" She squealed I eventually got annoyed with her, "Won't you please cut it out?!" (FALSE, THE LOCAL DAKOTA CANNOT CONTAIN ANGER) I snapped

"Don't talk to your sister like that!" My mother (MOM IS GONE) snapped back. "Alright, " I said and zoned out into this daydream, but then eventually fell asleep.

The dream I had was weirdly vivid, these... Blue meanies? (WHY THE BEATLES REFERENCE W H Y) I don't know, It was this place called Pepperland, a strange name or a place but that has nothing to do with this.

What really mattered, was the wedding. When I woke up, I was somewhere in the forest, still on the train of course. I also saw this building, this was where they were hosting the wedding, "Dakota, sweetie, we're here." My mother said to me.

I hopped off the train to the building. It wasn't very tall, it was big and empty, except for food and people.

Then I saw her, She had whiteish hair and purplish eyes, in a blue dress, she looked about my age, I think I've found her. (NO, KOTALYN NOT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT)

Why did fire erupt the land arise?
Why did murder animals survive?
Why did we deserve to be revived?
Why is any and everything Alive?

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