The Mind Electric

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A/N: I just realized that the Character in the Mind Electric's name was Simon, but oh well.

Think of these thoughts as limitless light
Exposing closing circuitry of fright

Pov of Dakota

I held her hand to realize that our Birthmarks matched. Could we be soulmates? I thought. But before I got to think of anything else, The cop yanked me by my arm and threw me into the back of his car. (DAKOTA NEVER HAD A BIRTHMARK,  JUST FRECKLES)

I couldn't go to prison at the age of 14!(YOURE 15 NOW, BITCH/LH) First, I lose Evelyn, now, I have to deal with 20 to 40 years in prison for a crime I didn't even commit.

Everyone got alerted about what 'I've done' to go to court.

The next day, It happened. The Judge was at his raised desk. "Witnesses, what did you see?" He asked. "He was holding a knife, a bloody one." I gulped at the sound of the cop's voice."Now, Resident Minor, Dakota Foxx, swear to tell the whole truth, now raise your right hand." (HELP IDK HOW COIRT WORKS)

I really didn't think that the cop or the Judge would believe me, and I didn't want to end up in prison after all of this. "I have a good heart, I think I might be insane, please let me go free, " I pleaded. "Condemn him to the Infirmary" The Judge shouted. It wasn't long until two men took me by the arms and dragged me to a well-lit room with an uncomfortable-looking chair in the middle of it. (MMM YES, EXECUTION/J)

The Necklace swayed as they threw me in the chair. As they tied me up, I realized that there were red and blue wires near the chair, with them being connected to this box thing. They clamped the boxes to my chambers and I then felt great fear.

With the Flip of a switch, press of a button, I felt nothing, I was relieved until my body felt like it was on fire. The pain, my heart beating rapidly fast, the electricity being shot to my chambers. My chest was so full of air that I couldn't breathe.

Here in my kingdom,
I am your lord
I order you to cower and P̴̳͊͐̄̊̀ŗ̴͍̻̈́̆͜æ̴̧͖̙̼̾y̸̢̞͓̥̍̚

I felt proud yet guilty for lying, what would Evelyn think? I could hear my mom say, "You out of be ashamed of yourself" then laugh. Did she even love me anymore? I guess not.

I try to scream but nothing comes out. Panic takes over my body, I try to breathe but can't I begin to wonder why I'm still alive. I now know that no soul on this earth would help me. The one person who actually loves me is dead. How worse can my life get?

I'm on fire, I feel like a mistake, I can hear children chattering in the background as my thoughts get more distorted. I wish I never let her go alone, I would sacrifice my life for her. I soon begin to scream. Doctor, I can't tell if I'm not me. The memory of her death soon gets wiped, please, have sympathy for me.

I soon awake in a mental Hospital Bed. Why did she leave? I thought.

(S I M P/J)

When it grows bright the particles start to
Marvel having made it through the night
Never they ponder whether electric
Calming if you look at it right

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