Chapter 5

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"But I need some sleep/You've taken my breath away, now I want to breathe" - Demons, Jacob Lee

Monday went like a dream; I still wasn't able to process what had happened. I woke up every morning after that, feeling hungover, dull, weary, confused.

It's already Friday today; hanging between thoughts of ditching the office and wanting to submit my report, I at last reached the office, late of course. My head was thumping and eyes burning, I sunk into my work to finish off early, submit my report to boss and get out of there as soon as possible.

But I couldn't focus on my work, all I was thinking of was what happened that night. I'd been thinking of it all week. Whenever it flashed in front of my eyes, it made me shiver.

Thoughts started clouding my head, filling and overflowing like the water, the water in tub, and made me feel like drowning. My eyes were closing, everything was blurring out, and a cold breeze brushed against my neck.

"Jiya!" - Crystal's voice startled me.

I looked up at her, "Wanna go out for lunch?" - she asked.

"Out? For lunch?" - I asked in shock.

"Guess what, Eric's not coming today, he called up his assistant and asked for the reports on Monday!" - Jeremy yelled, hovering from behind Crystal.

"We all are going out; c'mon it'll be fun. Bonus, it's Fri-yay! We could go partayying!" Jordan screamed overwhelmed, calling out to everyone on floor.

I sighed. I've always avoided partying unless it's formal. So, I started thinking of excuses out of this. "I'm sorry but I don't feel well. I think I'll go back and get some rest." - I said tiredly.

"You always turn us down!" - Jordan made face and walked away. Jeremy came up to me, and touched my wrist - "Are you fine? God you're burning up! I can cancel you know, drop you off at your place?" - his eyes lingering on mine.

I checked my wristwatch to break the awkwardness - "I really should be going. I didn't realize it's late or I would have left anyway. Maybe next time?" I smiled.

I came out, started my car and stereo. Soft songs started filling my surrounding with sweet freshener scent. I was feeling light, and suddenly remembered that cold breeze on my neck. It felt familiar.

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