Prologue - He's no Princess

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"Don't let Arthit hear you say that, Ai Asshole"

"C'mon Ai Prem, we all treat baby Arthit like our Princess anyways! You have to agree Knot, Tutah"

"I hate to say it, but Bright's right. Arthit is like our princess. We wake him up, get him food, pinkmilk and cater to all his whims and moodswings. Also, have you seen all that milky skin? Many girls (and I ) would kill for that complexion."

"I am always right! Also how long is our princess planning on keeping his virgin ass away from dating? It's high time our baby got laid"

"Oon will really kill you if you keep calling him a princess. He is also grumpy, easily angered and can kick your ass into next week. Or did you forget he's taken Taekwondo all his life? Stop stereotyping dumbass."

"Heehee stereo-whatever the fuck, Arthit's not gonna do anything to me. You see, he is very much occupied right now. With his own personal prince charming"

The four friends turned to focus on the yelling coming from the corner of the cafeteria. They saw Arthit flushed and screaming at the junior for one reason or another. The handsome freshman looked adoringly at his agitated senior, his eyes large and shining with bare repressed infatuation. They all watched warily as their wayward friend continued ranting, barely taking a pause to breathe in between and how the glint in the younger's eyes turned decidedly less innocent. Arthit then turned around and stomped off in the direction of their classes with Kongpob obediently following like a whipped puppy. Knot swore he could see a metaphorical tail wagging as Kongpob jogged behind his precious senior. 

"Well princess or not, he's definitely landed himself a persistent prince"

A/N: I know I have Hades and other incomplete one shots BUT I couldn't let go of this idea. It was originally a one shot in my book and then I realized I had a lot more to put into it and it would be very long. So. Here it is! Many authors (fan pages) kept calling Kong a Disney Prince and I just got inspired from it ^~^. It'll be a five-six chaptered fluffy short story with a HEA obviously. I don't wanna write very long chapters for this because it's my fluff escape ahahahaha. Come join me for the ride! 

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