B is for Besotted

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"Wait up Kong! Let's walk to our dorms together" Aim yelled across the class as Kongpob hurriedly packed his backpack.

"Sorry Aim, I am late for an appointment. Catch you later bro" Kongpob smiled slightly at his bestfriend's confusion and curiosity, but however much he wanted to boast of his plans, he couldn't. His P' ran away enough from him as it is. He didn't want to give his senior an extra excuse of rumours flying to distance himself more.

Sighing to himself Kongpob rapidly walked towards the library. He'd been actively (and quite publicly) pursuing this elusive senior for nearly an year now. P'Arthit was just very... dense. Or he didn't take Kongpob's advances seriously. Which was worse. He'd hoped that helping P'Arthit find that cutie Krist would place him firmly in his senior's favor. No such luck, instead he spent the entire summer being massively  friendzoned and watching his young nephew Singto have better luck with Krist than his pathetic nineteen year old self. Seriously, that six year is way too smooth. The only progress he could think of was that P'Arthit had become comfortable enough to hang out with him casually.

"Sorry P'Arthit, my class got extended. Have you been waiting long?" Kongpob smiled at senior currently engrossed in typing up a paper with a dozen textbooks spread across the table.

"Hmm, no it's okay Kong. I decided to wrap up this Process Design assignment due next week. Might as well get it done now and enjoy my weekend"

"Oh, so you'll be free during the weekend then? No plans?"

P'Arthit looks away, seemingly occupied his work. But Kongpob knows better, he can see the tomato red ears and the slight smile threatening to appear in the corners of his mouth. Is P'Arthit planning to kill him with all this overload of cuteness?

"Yeah I guess. Why? Are you free too?"

"Yes P'. I'm done with all my homework for the weekend" That's a lie

" There is this new sci-fi movie coming out on Friday that I've been meaning to watch. Will you come with me?" Kongpob made a deliberately sad puppy face "None of the guys are free to come along on Saturday or interested to watch it" Lies again. He'll have to cancel his plans of watching the movie with them on Friday.

"Kongpob! I have much better things to do than waste time and money with you" LIES.

"But P'.." The junior's shoulders slumped in disappointment as his mouth subconsciously twisted into a pout.

"Stop making that face! I'll come if you are that desperate. You better buy me a meal after to compensate for my time"

"Of course P'! Whatever you say!" SCORE.

"Focus on your assignment if you want to slack off during the weekend idiot!"

"I am so sorry about this Kong!" Arthit apologised softly as he let Kongpob and his little pyjama clad nephew into the family house. 

"P'Sing! P'Kong!" Krist ran towards the newcomers wearing a large red nightshirt without any pants, rushing as fast as his little legs could carry him. He leapt towards little Singto, wrapping his chubby arms around the other kid, who immediately hugged the toddler back tightly in greeting. Seriously where was Kongpob going wrong? How was he being outshone by his six year old nephew?

Kongpob smiled assuringly at his senior, indicating that he wasn't mad and crouched down to greet Krist, "Hello Kit, I missed you."

"P'Kong! I misses you too!" Krist let go of Singto to latch himself onto the uncle,"Uppy P'Kong, uppy"

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