A is for Adored

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A/N:  I have noticed that I usually write from Arthit/Krist perspective. It is simply because I relate to their character better and find it natural to write from that POV. However, I think I will need to write a couple of chapters from Kong's side too. Let's see!

"Oon, don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Arthit continued rolling his eyes very deliberately, intent on aggravating his mother more. In his defence though, his mae looked adorable when fuming at him like this and more importantly, he would never in a million years do what she was asking from him now.

"OON! You will do as I say or I will take away your extra pink milk money"

Arthit paled at the very valid threat. His mother was inarguably the main instigator of his addiction to pink milk, since she herself had one. His father often bemoaned the atrocious sweet tooth of his wife and offspring, claiming that atleast half his paycheck went into catering to it.

"But Mae!"

"Oon, your younger brother has been asking us to take him to the amusement park forever. Your Por and I can't possibly take a leave from work right now. It's your summer vacation, what's the harm? go have some fun"

Arthit looked down at the four year old demon with the face of an angel. Although it was a bit unfair of him to judge his baby brother so harshly, after all his father always said that Krist is a carbon copy of Arthit when we was younger. Both in looks and behaviour. The younger boy looked up at his brother beseechingly, turning the full force of his puppy dog eyes and pout towards Arthit.

"Pwease P'Oon"

"Fudge it! Fine, I'll take you, you little demon. Only if you behave" Arthit snapped scowling at the restriction of cursing for real in front of his brother.

"Now, squirt, you hold onto my hand tightly okay? No running off without telling me and no talking to strangers. I will take you on whatever rides you want to go on. Mae gave us extra money for pink milk, so if you behave during the day I'll buy it, otherwise no nomyen for you Khun. Understood?" Arthit crouched down to the level of his brother after getting inside the gigantic amusement park with their passes. They had come on a weekday deliberately, intent on skipping the crowd flooding in during weekends.

"Yes P'Oon" Krist nodded obediently at the lecture, lifting his beguiling eyes to give an innocent expression. Arthit didn't buy it for a second. His baby brother was a terror and he did not have a good feeling about this. At all.

A few hours later, Arthit was absolutely exhausted. His friends always teased him that he had the mental energy of an eighty year old dude and he wasn't about to disagree. His brother was just too hyperactive for him to handle. Krist had insisted on getting on every single kiddy friendly ride in the park. Following him around the gigantic place in the blazing sun was not Arthit's idea of fun. He sighed in relief as his brother finally slowed down. 

"Kit, let's go get some ice cream okay?"

Arthit came back from the ice cream stand to find the bench where he'd asked the little demon to wait glaringly empty. He immediately panicked, the two cones of nomyen flavored ice cream dripping down his hands in the blazing sun. 

"Krist! This isn't a place for playing hide and seek. Come out right now!" 

"Krist! Krist come out right now!"


He kept calling for the kid, looking behind the surrounding his trees and stands. Sure, the squirt annoyed him, but he didn't want to lose his younger brother in an amusement park. How could he let Kit out of his eyesight? What if he can't find him? worse, what if he's kidnapped? What will he do. Oh shit, what will he tell his parents! They trusted him to take care of his brother on his own. Arthit freaked out and shakily kept screaming for his brother, asking passersby if they had seen a kid who looked like him and was around four years old. His panic increased as all of them shook their head no, looking at him with pity. Surely there was a camera around here somewhere right? The amusement park security would know something. 

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