Chapter 4

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Tara played by : Tana Mongeau
Sarai played by : Hanna Stocking

| Savanna |

"Ay... excuse me?"

I kind of was expecting him to just be trying to get past me but seeing as I was literally at the side of the yacht so I don't think that was it. As I turned around to meet his very blue eyes, I didn't really know what to say because he kind of just looked at me, charm in his eyes.

"Oh... do you need something?" I know it sounded rude but the tone in my voice was really kind, I promise you. He chuckled shaking his head, "No, I just saw you with your friends and was wondering why a pretty girl like you was standing all alone"

Forward, flirty, seems like Hanna's kinda man.

I was blushing which only made me look like a little girl dying over her crush when I had only said two words to the guy.

"I was just talking a call, my dad" I said motioning to my phone.

He looked down at it as it began to ring again, Noal's caller ID appearing but this time, I didn't hide it, I just let it ring, because I was busy looking at him. "Well your friends are all busy with mine, why don't we join them?" He asked with raised brows.

I glanced down at my phone, another missed call from Noal. With a smile, I threw my phone in to the purse- letting the missed calls continue, before I walked ahead of him. I could feel his eyes burning holes in to my back and I almost regretted it because of how blush-y I was again.

My friends were indeed with his, they were dancing and singing as if they all knew each other from birth which was funny because I knew how much they were crushing on the boys. But amongst the two boys that were friends of Ryan's, two girls were present but not dancing and singing like the rest, more like watching.

As I turned my attention to them, I heard my name being called.

"Sav! Hurry! We're about to jump!" Hanna exclaimed as she called me over. I shifted my attention to my friends who I couldn't help but smile at, they were so free spirited, I loved it.

The two boys approached me and Ryan who stood not too far away from them, "You must be Savanna, right?" One of the boys said making me smile and nod, "I'm Khalil and this is Za" They both introduced themselves to me, although the names definitely sounded like soundcloud rappers and very different to Ryan's basic one, they also seemed very friendly compared to their bad boy look.

Never judge a book by its cover, duh. Or a boy... by their tattoos, I guess.

"Are they your friends?" I asked motioning over you the two girls who were very intensely staring at us.

They looked back at them and then turned to look at one another and a Ryan with a look I couldn't really make out but I'm guessing it meant they did indeed know one another.

Khalil turned around and used his fingers to call them over and they looked at one another with almost looks of amusement before approaching us. They looked at me from head to toe as they walked over to us with grins to their mouths. "Looks like you've made some new friends boys" The girl with the long blonde hair spoke. She had bright blue eyes but I think they were contacts because they looked a little fake but she had a very nice body, her hips were curvy and her stomach was toned.

"Savanna, this is Tara,"

"Savanna, this is Tara,"

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