Chapter 28

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| Savanna |

My head ached, my body ached and worst of all, my stomach ached. I shot out of bed at what felt like the crack of dawn before I sprinted for my bathroom. My body lunged for the toilet where I managed to throw up in just in time, feeling my body fall numb at the feeling of puke.

This was horrible.

As you can probably tell, I haven't been hungover much. Therefore, I felt and acted like I was dying. Worse of all, my head ached and my eyes struggled to even get open because from what I remembered, I was crying all night after my encounter with Jason.


I crawled up against the marble cabinets, leaning my back against it as I looked out in to nothing ahead of me, spacing out. It was like I was remembering events in flashback, one minute I was partying and eating cake and the next I was taking orders from Jason McCann but only this time, for him to leave me alone.


And that's when I remembered our phone all conversation which I was hoping wasn't true. I sighed standing up as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was in knots, more than usual, I had mascara dragging under my eyes like a raccoon and my lipstick was smeared not only on my face but the t shirt I wore to sleep; which I don't remember changing in to.

I used mouthwash to rinse my mouth out, getting rid of that awful smell of vomit before I took my toothbrush and brushed my teeth for literally 10 minutes, until I felt fresh again, somewhat fresh that is. I also took the liberty to throw the toothbrush away because I don't think I could ever imagine using it again after I literally used it to scrape bits of vomit out of my teeth and tongue.

Sorry, that was very TMI but it was also never included in movies where girls wake up from hangovers so here you go, front row seats.

I trudged back in to my room, closing the bathroom door behind me before I jumped in to my bed. I looked at my clock that hung on the wall seeing it was literally 9am which only made me mad because my body naturally woke me up so just to vomit, on a Sunday. I normally woke up early anyway, around 8/9 but on Sundays, especially when I was hungover, I expected to hit the 10am margin, you know?

I closed my eyes shut, trying to fall asleep again but I literally couldn't because my body which still felt so drowsy and... out of place, I sat up and grabbed my phone. I had notifications from last night that I hadn't checked, mostly were from instagram and Snapchat of people tagging me in their stories/posts from the party. I sat through them, smiling because of how fortunate I was to have not only best friends, but other people who I wasn't necessarily close to but still knew I could speak to.

I stopped at one of the pictures which was of me, I was stood in front of my cake and the girls at my side as I smiled at them. It was one of those candid pictures that you couldn't remake even if you tried to stage it, it just wouldn't happen because it was so natural. I saved it before I set it as my phone's background, i would definitely smile now every time I saw it.

I also saw Adam had posted some bits from the party, up until he literally got beat up by Jason. And seeing him only made me remember the somewhat deal I had with Jason.

I didn't know what he wanted with Adam but I just trusted he wouldn't actually hurt him since he wanted to see him at his restaurant which I didn't know he owned any businesses other than his main... criminal, organisation. As mean as Adam was last night, I didn't wish bad upon anyone, I didn't wish Jason upon anyone. He had so much anger in him he didn't care what he did with it, he didn't care who it hurt or the consequences.

I sighed, hesitantly tapping on Adam's contact number before I listened to the rings. After waiting and waiting, it went to voicemail which meant he was sleeping; I didn't expect anything else to be fair.

"Hey Adam... I know you probably don't want to speak to me right now, and I'm sorry I called so early but I just wanted to I don't know, make it up to you? Tonight... I'll pick you up? Just call me back when you get this, thanks" and with that, I hung up.

I threw my phone on to the bed before burying my head in my hands. What was I doing? Why was I giving Jason what he wanted? Why was I choosing to waste an evening with somebody like Adam who had zero respect for girls? Just to benefit Jason and his gang later?

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