Chapter 7

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Hey guys remember to vote and comment, keep in mind this chapter is a pretty big one. Hopefully you like, thanks for reading <3 

Chapter 7

(Dixie's pov)

It was now Monday morning. I was walking to school, I had a bright smile on my face. It was early, early enough so no one would see me slip the secret note in Addison's locker. I hope she likes this note I may or may not have put a little hint in it about who I am. I loved secrets I really did, I just really, really wanted her to know just how much I loved her. But that could never be possible, I didn't even have the right words to describe how much I loved her. She was perfect, my angle, my love, and my everything. I really hoped I could pull this off and slowly make her fall for me, while leaving small clues about me. After she had fallen for me I would write one final letter and tell her to put the clues together. Then hopefully she would accept me and take me as her other piece. Other piece to her inner self. I just I hope I don't do anything stupid and stuff up my plan.

Soon I was at school, I was on my way to my locker, I had almost tripped over, when I saw him. The one and only Bryce Hall. "Hey stranger" he says. "Oh hey person who is currently annoying me." I say slightly irritated. "Oh well, hmm, yes are you single?" He says. "Do I look like taken material?" I ask. "Plus simp why you asking?" I say. "You could be my taken material." He says with a flirty tone slightly moving closer to me. "Jeez Bryce, what the heck? Since when did you catch feelings for me?" I say. What the heck was he doing I think. "Since I noticed how brilliant you are." He says moving even closer to me. "You have got the wrong chick dingus." I say moving away. "If you're talking about Addison I don't like her, I like you Dixie." He says.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I say slapping him square on the face. "What do you mean? Falling in love doesn't mean there is something wrong with me." He says leaning in for a kiss. His slimy lips lock against mine. I quickly pull away slapping his face. "YOU DUMB IDIOT YOU RUINED MY FIRST KISS!!!" I shout. "Not bad for your first." He says winking. I starting running away from him. Soon I end up in front of Addison's locker, I pull out the note from my bag in slip it in Addison's locker. A tear or two drops onto it, but I couldn't care at that moment. I run to the closest bath room. I enter the stall, then lock the door shut.

Tears were flowing, thoughts were rushing, and my heart was cracking. I couldn't believe Addison fell for him, not me, he was just an idiot. She loved him, yet he took that for granted. I loved her, yet she didn't even know. I wouldn't be this upset if she fell for a good guy. I just couldn't believe how FRICKING STUPID he was, he had an angle falling for him, Addison deserved someone she liked, but she didn't deserve to fall for him. I just wish he was better, and could love Addison the way I love her. I just want her to be happy. Tears start falling even harder. I hate this. I hit my head against the stall wall. I slowly start to drown in my feelings.

"Dixie?" I hear. I don't respond. I then listen to the few knocks I hear on the stall. "Dixie open up it's just me." They say. It was Addison. I stand up and open the door. I see Addison with a very worried expression on her face.

(Addison's pov)

I arrive at school and look around, I see no sign of Dixie. I see Bryce. He looked normal as usual I guess. "Hey Bryce have you seen Dixie?" I say. "Huh? Dixie, I dunno I think I seen her head to the bathroom or something." He says. "Oh ok thanks Bryce." I say with a small smile. He sends a small back. I walk off and head to the girls bathroom. When I open the door I hear a loud bang on the locked stall. What was that I wonder? "Dixie?" I say. No response. "Dixie open up it's just me." I say with a worried expression. The door slowly opens, my heart shattered when I see her. Something bad had happened, I knew everything wasn't ok.

(No one's pov)

With that there had been two shattered hearts. Dixie D'amelios, and Addison Easterling's. Shattered in different ways, but both equally broken. Addison's heart was broken from seeing Dixie, yet Dixie's heart was broken from Bryce being an idiot. Addison had reached in to hug Dixie. After Addison had clung to Dixie tightly, Dixie had just stood there. Dixie, in that moment seem not there, like there was a soulless, lifeless body just standing there bring hugged by Addison. After a few seconds of no emotion, it all came rushing back, and completely imploding on Dixie. Dixie fell to the floor, her eyes staring into nothing, and her mouth wide open. It was like she couldn't comprehend life. She couldn't take in her surroundings. Addison knew she was broken. Addison then pulled her and Dixie back to their feet. When they had walked out the halls were empty, they missed the bell and Dixie was a mess.

Addison then leaded Dixie out of the school. Back to Dixies house. Addison knocked on the door out of habit, then realised no one was home. So she was reaching for the handle when it had somehow opened. The door swung open, revealing Charli standing there, Charli stepped aside letting Dixie and Addison in. With that Addison took Dixie to her room sat her on the bed. Dixie then laid down, soon falling asleep.

Addison quickly made her way out of Dixie's room, then headed to the living room were Charli was standing. Charli quickly hugged Addison, then pulled away and said, "Addison, are you ok? What happened." "Ok so Charli I have absolutely no idea about what had happened." Addison said.

After Addison had explained the whole story from her point of view Charli spoke, "That's really weird, has anything like this happened before?" Charli said. "Well yes but I didn't expect too much of it until now, it was last Friday. After school we met up at our secret place in the woods, we were both sitting down, we hadn't said a word to each other, and she looked completely out of it. I then noticed tears were forming in her eyes, and I asked her if she was ok, she nodded, then smiled, then completely broke down." Addison said. "Ok now that's really weird." Charli said.

A few moments later Dixie walked down the stairs, she wasn't crying any more, but she still didn't look overly happy. She walked over towards Charli and Addison. She looked somewhat nervous. "I- uh I di- didn't have a- a cha- chance to give this t- to you." Dixie said handing Addison a small box. Addison looked surprised, but opened the small box. She read a small note. It said...


Dear Addison,

I got us friend ship bracelets, so we could always cherish our friendship. You are my favourite person. You bring light to my lingering shadow. My lingering shadow is filled with darkness, but you make that darkness disappear. You save me from the darkness. You bring light to my life, that life is me. You make me who I am. Thank you for being my light Addison Easterling. If something ever happens know that I will always love you, for ever and always.

Love Dixie <3

(Addison's pov)

Tears ran down my face I ran up to hug Dixie, as I hug her with my head resting on her shoulder, and I whisper. "Dear Dixie D'amelio, you are my light. You always have been, ever since that day I met you, my dog died... You came up to me and sat by me. You comforted me and told me everything was going to be ok. The bell had rang, but you stayed. You helped me. You saved me when no one else did. That's when we became the most bests of best friends. I love you Dixie D'amelio, and I would never change anything, even for the world, because you Dixie, you are my world and you always will be. I take out the friend ship bracelets and slip mine on, then I grab hers and put it around her wrist. "I love." I say. "I love you too." She says.

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