Chapter 16

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated too much, It was my bday a few days ago and I have been kinda busy. But anyways if you are reading this thank you. Thank you for continuing to read this story, even though it's kind of trash. Oh and Thank you guys soo very much for the votes, comments, and just reading this story, it means a lot to me it really does. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember you are loved, have an amazing day/night!

Chapter 16

(Addisons pov)

"Hey Carlo do you have a crush?" I say sitting on the boys bed as he works away at looking for clues included in the letters. "I am not sure Addison." Carlo says looking up from his piece of paper. "By the way if you want you can call me Addy I honestly don't mind." I say. "Oh haha thanks." He says. "Oh by the way Addy, I may have a small crush." Carlo says. "Ooo come on Carlo tell me who, spill the tea." I say now paying my full attention to his next few words. "Ok Addy I will tell you, but don't get upset. Ok?" Carlo says sitting the letter down. "Trust me I wont." I say. "Actually you have to guess." Carlo says now grinning. "Seriously?" I say. "Yes I know it's childish but I shall not care." Carlo says still smiling. "Ok fine nerd." I say laughing a little. "HEY!" Carlo shouts. "Is it Maisy, Maisy Lawson?" I say. "Umm ew no, first why her, second she is kinda annoying, third never." Carlo replies. "Oh she is not that bad." I say. "Still I would not fall for her." Carlo says. "Ok fine is it Bella?" I ask. "Which one?" Carlo questions. "Umm Bella Clark" I say almost forgetting her last name. "OMG seriously, the horse girl? Not my type." Carlo exclaims giggling. "Oh so you have a type?" I say. "Hmm a type that isn't horse girls? Sure why not." Carlo say.

After many more countless attempts at guessing I finally give up. "Uhh who is it I give up." I wine. "Ok fine I will tell you, but you can't tell her, also remember it's also only a small crush." Carlo says, now seeming a bit more serious. "YES TELL ME!!!" I practically squeal. "It is Dixie." Carlo states, his face turns slightly red. "Oh Dixie, umm cool." I say slightly disappointed. "Is something wrong?" Carlo asks. "No, idk I guess I am just a bit protective of her." I say. "Wait Addison." Carlo says. "Do you like Dixie?" Carlo says. My eyes open up wide. "What no, definitely not. What makes you ask?" I say so confused at his statement. "Bro you like Dixie don't you!" Carlo says laughing. "I do not!" I say. "Prove it!" Carlo says. "I am not gay." I say. "Oh are you sure Addy? Prove it." Carlo says. "Are you challenging me Carlo?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Come on Addison prove it." Carlo says "How??" I ask. "Not sure just prove it." Carlo says.

Uhh shoot what I am I going to do! Hmm this is not going to go well. Addy just do it. Ok here goes nothing. I lean in coming closer and closer towards Carlo, until we were finally inches away. Our lips then lock together. Ew I think as I squint my eyes. I then quickly pull away wishing I had not even tried kissing Carlo in the first place. "Done" I say. Carlos face turns a red colour. "Umm let's not do that again ever." I say. "I agree." Carlo says.

(Dixies pov)

Ok time to write my letter, I think putting my phone aside. Here's what I write.

Hey Addison! Sorry for being a bit dry last note. Figured out who I am yet, no? Haha same at this point I am not really too sure who I am. Guess what! I have a surprise for you soon!! Hey also no cheating, I want you to find out who I am ok? I know you probably haven't cheated just got to make sure. Addison I love you, and I could never deny it, I may be closer than you think. Trust me Addy. Trust me that you will not hate me when I confess my feelings. I hope you can promise me that, but even if you do hate me, I am sorry. Addison I say this a lot but I am sorry for loving you.

(The next day)

I find myself leaning against her locker once again. Addison's locker. I glance around the halls searching for the girl I love, then I see her. She walks the school halls like an angle walking on clouds. But the truth was she was to me, she really was an angle. Life without Addison would be impossible. Nothing would ever be the same. When she finally spots me she smiles. Her smile gives me butterflies, butterfly's that swarm throughout my stomach.

She was now standing in front of me. "Hi!" Addison says now hugging me. "Oh hello, what's the hug for?" I ask surprised at the gesture, but still secretly loving it. "I am not sure, I guess I just like hugging you" She says. "Well I enjoy it to." I say getting of her locker. She opens the door of her locker then smiles at the note. "Hmm another note I am guessing." I say. "Looks like it." Addison says grabbing it. She reads through the note smiling. "Dixie you know what." She says. "Hmm what Addy?" I ask. "I think I really like this stranger. Like a lot, but you want to know what's weird." She says. "What?" I ask. "You guys kind of sound similar." Addison says. Oh shoot maybe she is not that oblivious? "They must have very similar traits to you, cool right?" Addison says putting the note back in her locker. "Haha probably." I say, never mind she is still oblivious.

(Addison's pov)

Stupid clock hurry up. JEEEZ WHY U TAKE SOO LONG. I think glaring at the clock waiting for the bell to go. diNg diNG dinG. "Finally." I mutter under my breath, as I collect my stuff from the desk. Today was a day, just another pretty ordinary day I guess, except I kinda had to drop the plan with Carlo.

Soon I find myself standing at Carlos locker. We stare at each other. Yeah probably should not have kissed him. Especially because he likes Dixie. I am not too sure why but I hold a slight grudge against him at the moment. Maybe because he liked Dixie maybe not, I am not sure but here goes nothing. "Carlo I am very sorry, but I have no choice but to drop our plan. The Stranger did not really want me working with you, sorry for wasting your time." I say really quickly. "Oh haha it's fine Addy, I understand why stranger wouldn't want to have me help you work it out." Carlo says. "Really?" I ask sort of surprised he took it pretty well. "Yeah! Were still friends right?" Carlo exclaims. "Yeah of course." I did not feel like saying those words, as I sort of only wanted Dixie as a friend, but I decided I would be nice.

(Carlos pov)

Jeez Addison, how could someone even possibly be soo very oblivious to their own feelings. It was clear Addison showed at least slight liking for Dixie. Lucky for her, I am sure Dixie is writing the letters for her. I think sadly. I liked Dixie. I really did, but I could see how much Dixie loved Addison, and I could never change that. In a relationship love should be both ways, the two people in a relationship shall love each other equally, or else it is not true love, true love is a pure relationship. Not one with lies. That's why they really deserve each other. Dixie is almost 100% writing the letters. The letters stopped once she had left school, you can see the way she looks at Addison Even the handwriting was the same. I just wish it were I who were receiving the letters. But that's not how life works.

Finally here she is, the girl I loved, the girl who is in love with another girl, I am not the girl. "Hey." I say now approaching her. She then turns my way and smiles. "Hey what's up?" She says looking slightly confused, but still showing her bright smile. "I'm Carlo." I say. "Oh hey Carlo, you know Addison right?" She asks. "Yeah I do, funny you ask." I say. She was beautiful, how is everyone attracted to Addison but not her? "Hmm why may that be funny?" She replies. "I need to talk to you about her." I say. "Oh ok." She says. "Not here outside." I say not wanting to expose her secret. "Hmm ok just don't kidnap me." She says laughing. I laugh and lead her outside.

Soon we were both standing outside. "Ok so I know what you're doing." I say. "mmhmm, whats that may I ask." She says. "Stranger." I state. "Oh." She says. "Well umm how did you know?" She asks. "Because it's obvious." I laugh. "Not to Addison." Dixie laughs. "You think the likes me back?" She asks. "Seems pretty obvious that she likes you." I say. "Really?" Dixie exclaims. "Yeah you just can't see that because you're just as oblivious as Addison." I say. "Rude much." She replies. Oh no I must have hurt her feelings uhh I am soo stupide! "Oh sorry I didn't mean it." I apologise. "Carlo, I am just kidding." She says giggling. "Oh Haha." I laugh. "Did you tell her?" She asks. "No, no, no Dixie of course not." I say. "Thanks Carlo." Dixie says. "She ended our mission to figure out who you were anyways." I say. "Aww she listened to me." Dixie says. "You two would make a pretty cute couple not gonna lie." I admit. They really would though they have chemistry. "Aww thanks Carlo." She replies. "No prob just saying the facts, anyways I should go now Dixie." I say kind of upset. "Oh ok, cya Carlo." She says. "Bye" I reply as we part ways.

I didn't want to leave I just knew I had to I couldn't let my feelings over take me. And that was my fair well to Dixie, it was time to part ways and move on, even though we had just officially met. May we meet again Dixie, even if it is just in a friendship matter.

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