Chapter 11

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Hey guys another chapter, I tried to included a suggestion from last chapters comments. Hopefully it turned out alright! Also make sure to drop a comment, and a vote! Remember you are loved! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

Chapter 11

It was finally the next day. Dixie rested quietly in her hospital bed, while Addison was upset that she had received yet another empty locker with no letters or note. It had been a few days since her last note, she soon found herself worrying about if the Stranger had lost interest.

(Addison's pov)

I was sitting in class, I began losing attention from the class. I eventually zoned out. Then I started imagining something strange... Dixie was in my dream, my daydream. We were at our spot. We were looking into each other's eyes. Soon my eyes flickered to her lips, we both became to lean in. "Addison, eyes up here!" The teacher yells. I quickly snap out of my thoughts turning some of my attention back to the teacher, luckily she was satisfied. What the heck was that? Why was I about to kiss Dixie in my thoughts was, hmm must just be because I miss her, plus I highly doubt I'm even a little gay. But still daddy Addy? No Addison not this again!!!

(Dixie's pov)

Uhhh how boring, Addison is at school, Charli is at school, Uhhh boring. Hmm I should make Addy fall in love with me especially because I can't be the stranger right now. Mabey I should flirt with her until she catches feelings? Nahh basic. Mabey I could get a wing man? Griffin! He could be my wing man, if he likes me that much then he will help me! WAIT NO I WILL MAKE HER JELOUS TO SEE IF SHE HAS FEELING FOR ME SOMEWHERE IN THERE. Wow I should get an award I'm so smart. Ok so If Addison's coming after school a will ask Griffin to come a bit after school, so then I can turn all my attention to him instead of Addison.

Oh Dixie you can be soo mean. Hmm jealous Addison could be entertaining though. Ew stop Dixie it's still kinda weird that you have a crush on your best friend, so don't make it even weirder. Lucky I have Griffins number because Chad gave it to me once, Chad is a pretty good friend. Anyways let's send this text to Griffin!


Dixie: Hey Griffin!

Griffin: Oh Hey Dixie, how are you (:

Dixie: I alright, also I was wondering if you wanted to come over to the hospital a bit after school?

Griffin: Oh really! Of course! Do you want me to bring anything?

Dixie: No thank you just yourself! (:

Griffin: Ok I will be there not long after school, Bye Dixie get some rest!

Dixie: Ok Thanks Griff bye!

(Griffin's pov)

Woah I just got a message from the one and only Dixie D'amelio! She is so pretty! I wonder if like inviting me to her hospital room is like leading me to her bedroom? Hmm maybe she thinks hospitals are kinky? Wow this exciting! Mabey she just wants to be friends, I take another bite into my sandwich, and it's currently lunch time. I'm sitting with Chad at the moment. Bryce isn't here today, but that's ok he can be kind of mean. "Hey Griff what are you thinking about, you look kind of out of it." Chad says bringing. "Oh just Dixie, she invited me to the hospital." I say. "Oh really? Great for you man!" Chad says. "Thanks bro" I say generally happy Chad is nice about it. Bryce always just gets angry when I talk about it.

(Time skip to after school.)

Dixie sat patiently on her hospital bed waiting for Addison she should be here any moment. Hopefully Griffin turns up not too long after Addy so everything goes to plan.

(Addison's pov)

School went by quickly, I still found myself puzzled about my random day dream about Dixie. I had now entered the hospital and was looking for Dixie's room. I soon find the room, I knock on the door. "COME IN!!!" Dixie shouts. I open the door, Dixie was in a hospital gown she had a big smile on her face. But she looked terrible she was obviously hurt in the fight way more than Bryce. "You look terrible!" I say almost laughing. "Aww thanks Addy I miss you too!" Dixie says sarcastically, while letting out a high pitch giggle. "Ok Guinea pig" I say sitting on her bed. "Hey! My laugh does not sound like Guinea pig!" Dixie says getting up and crossing her legs on her bed.

(Dixie's pov)

"Guinea pigs are cute" Addison says, which gave me butterfly's. "I am not cute." I say firmly now sitting cross legged on my blanket, Addison was sitting facing me her legs were also crossed. "Liar." Addison says. We both let out a small laugh. "Like my cut?" I say pointing to my face. "Which one?" Addison say laughing.

Addison turns around after hearing a knock on the door, Dixie stays facing the same direction, as she is already facing the door. Soon the door swings open, there stands Griffin with a grin on his face. "Oh hey Addison." Griffin said. "Hi Griffin what are you doing here?" Addison says. "Dixie invited me." He says cheerfully. Addison shoots a quick confused glance at me. "Griffin come in!" I say.

(No one's pov)

Soon three teenagers found themselves talking on a hospital bed, Addison did not expect Griffin, and she was slightly annoyed about him being in the presents of her and Dixie. Griffin was sitting next to Dixie, who was currently leaning on the head bored. Addison was sitting across from them. Suddenly Dixie leaned her head on griffins shoulder, she just kept talking not breaking eye contact with Addison. Griffin clearly didn't mind he just say their being happy.

(Addison's pov)

As Me and Dixie were having a convocation Dixie suddenly leaned her head on Griffins shoulder. She just kept talking. WHAT THE HECK, UHHH. DIXIE GET YOUR HEAD OFF HIS SHOULDERRR. EWW. Obviously she noticed something was wrong. "Hey what's wrong Addy?" Dixie asked moving in closer to Griffin. Griffin's eyes grew a bit, then he relaxed again. WHAT THE HECK WAS DIXIE DOING? SHE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE GRIFFIN. "Oh nothing" I say looking away.

(Dixie's pov)

Addison's face completely changed when I started moving closer to Griffin. After I asked her if she was ok she gave me the dry nothing was wrong, then she broke eye contact, and started looking around the room. I wanted to make her even more jealous, or even just uncomfortable. So I lifted my head up then laid it on Griffins lap. Addison looked at me. She made weird facial expressions, she looked very irritated. I noticed Griffin looking slightly uncomfortable. I felt something sort of push against my head. Wait... WHAT HE GOT A FLIPPING BONER, I SIT UP AT THE SPEED OF LIGHTNING. My face grew red. Ok I have had enough of this I got enough of Addison's jealousy. Now I just need to get him out. "Hmm I am feeling tired, hey Griffin think I might go to sleep I will text you later?" I say. Addison's looks at me with big eyes then raises an eyebrow at me.

Finally Griffin had left. "OK DIXIE WHAT WAS THAT???" Addison says after he leaves. "What do you mean?" I say pretending to be clueless. "The whole Griffin thing" Addison says. "Oh yeah sorry I forgot to tell you I invited him." I say still pretending to be clueless. "No Dixie, I meant how you were basically using him as a pillow." Addison says. "I felt like a sack of potatoes and all my limbs were aching, I just needed something to lay on." I Lied. "Oh ok..." Addison says. "If you come over here I can use you as a pillow?" I say hoping that she will agree, as I aspect she does. I then lay on her lap, luckily I won't get another boner to the head.

I decided I wanted to confront her and see her reaction, so I did. "Addison you don't have to get soo jealous" I say with a growing smirk that she can't see. "I wasn't jealous." She says. "Then what were you." I say. "Uhh fine I may have been jealous, but I don't even know why I was so can we just drop it, just use me as your pillow." Addison says. "Ok fine Mr Pillow." I say showing Addison a pout.

Soon they both fell asleep, it was peaceful and quiet. Addison was happy she had her best friend wrapped in her arms, and Dixie was happy she was wrapped in her crushes arms. Eventually the whole world was asleep.

Hey Guys! Thank you for reading. If you want leave a suggestion! Also do you guys want Griffin to be good or bad? Also thoughts on Chad? Once again thanks for reading! You are loved! Good night (or day), From Stranger ( ; 

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