Chapter 14

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Hey guys, thanks for voting on which cover you preferred! Their not good but I though it would be nice to just change things up a bit. (: Vote if you want, comment if you want, remember you are loved!!! Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:

Chapter 14

(Addisons pov)

With tears streaming down my face, I was currently dashing at the speed of lighting. I have no idea what I just seen, and I am not sure why I would cry over such a thing! It's stupid it really is. I hate myself for doing this to Dixie, she is allowed to kiss who she wants. I still had no idea why I was crying over such a small thing. It was pointless, I had no attraction to Griffin nor Dixie! Why was I so upset! Still running I noticed I had slow down a bit. I finally stop. I look around myself to see the familiar area. Shoot did I really just run to the spot?? Now I am guessing Dixie followed me, because that is SUCH a Dixie thing. Now suddenly I am kind of feeling angry at Dixie, yet I had no idea why. All my sadness suddenly turned to rage. I lean down and pick up a few stones I then sit down. I throw the stones into the pond that laid in the middle of me and Dixies spot. This only calmed me a little. Whilst throwing the stones lowed my anger, it had risen my sadness. I heard the bushes rustle from behind me, I knew it was Dixie. The thought of Dixie made me cry harder, I then sunk down slowly melting away. But then some strong warm arms wrapped around me. Dixie held a tight grip around me, she held me and just let me fall into her embrace, which I did. I didn't want to admit it, but Dixie was the only person who made me feel safe.

My crying had now stopped. I was held in Dixies arms, we were both silent. I knew Dixie was thinking, I was thinking too. It was nice. Our surroundings were now quiet, the sky was dark, and the slight breeze crawled against my skin. Suddenly Dixie shifted mine and her position. She then stood up and started carrying me bridal style. "What are you doing?" I say lifting my head to look at her. "I am carrying you." Dixie says, I see a small smirk on her face. "Hmm I think I can tell." I say. She lets out a small laugh. "What's wrong? "Dixie says looking down at me. "I don't know, I just got upset when I had seen you and Griffin kissing." I say looking away. "Same" Dixie says. "What do you mean?" I said confused at her reply. "We made a deal, He would keep my secret is I made out with him." Dixie says. "Dixie that's not right, what was the secret anyways?" I say now curious. "It's a secret, and also it was worth the secret not getting out." Dixie says. "Oh ok." I say kind of hurt at the fact that she told him not me. "Addison you're going to find out one day." Dixie says. "Oh so is it a surprise." I say her statement had made me even more curious, now I was just fishing for answers. "Depends." Dixie says. "What's it about?" I say. "No more questions or you can walk to ok?" Dixie says. "Brutal much" I say not wanting to walk. "Not brutal reality, Addison it's not like we are getting married and I am walking you down the wedding lane or anything." Dixie says. "Haha would be fun though." I say laughing a little. "Yeah very fun."

(Dixies pov)

I woke up the sun was peering through my window. I looked at my clock on my wall, currently it was 6:20am. I look beside me and see Addison still sound asleep, I was not surprised at that, we kinda had a pretty random day yesterday. Everything started off ok then Addison found me smooching with Griffin, I lifted my hand to feel my lips. My nose scrunched when I replayed me and Griffin making out, uhh I hate him so much. He is probably homophobic and self-centred, that *aggressive cuss words* Least it is over with and my secret is safe. I hear Addison's phone go off, I check to see a few messages from her dad. I quickly unlock her phone and reply to her dad, she would thank me for doing this, we do it for each other all the time. I already knew her pin it was 1234, Addison is really, really silly, I try to convince her to be more unique with her passwords, but she clearly does not care.

The messages form her Dad were just asking about where she had been. I quickly sent a quick reply through acting if I were Addison myself, I then turn off the phone and place it back to where it was originally sat. Addison was broken when her Grandmother had passed, she really was. I am glad her dad is trying harder now. I was proud of her dad for taking responsibility with Addison, I knew it wasn't too much compared to what some other family's had, but he was a good father, better than mine and Charli's.

I step out of bed trying not to wake Addison. I then leave the room and head to the kitchen. I decided I would make her breakfast in bed because why not? We still had school today so I had to be quick but I did not mined. I got out the frying pan a chucked on some eggs. They cooked quickly I then placed them onto the plates. I then grabbed the bacon and put them onto the pan. Once they were cooked, I felt extra nice so I ended up making pancakes as well. I divided everything onto three plates, because I had also made enough for Charli. I only made some for Charli because she did not interrupted me and Addison last night, if she did she would be eating the pan for breakfast. I grabbed all the plates I dropped one off to Charli then sat the other two in my room. I quickly headed back to the kitchen pouring three glasses of apple juice. I took them up stairs and sat one on Charli's plate which sat on her desk. Then I kicked Charli so she would wake up. I then ran out of the room not wanting to be kicked back. Soon I had the two apple juices on the plates. Now all I had to do was wake Addy up. Well this was gonna be fun, she was NOT a morning person.

I walk up to the bed. I then pick Addison up, her eyes open. "HEY" She says. I lift her into the air and drop her onto the bed. "Good morning!!!!!!!" I say reaching my arms out to tickle her. She bursts out laughing as I tickle her, she then rolls of the bed. I move away. "I HATE YOUUUU" Addison shouts. "I made you breakfast?" I say hoping she would approving. "Ok I love you." She says getting back onto the bed. "Ok so now you love me?" I say laughing. "Yeah now let me eat I am hungry." She says. "Ok fineeee." I say passing her the plate. "Thank you Dix!!! You're the best!" She says taking the plate from me. "I know" I say grabbing my plate in taking a bite of the crunchy bacon.

We eat for a while, then Addison speaks. "Thank you Dixie, I don't say it enough but always know that you are literally my favourite person ever." Addison says. I smile. "Addison don't thank me, I do these things for reasons. I love you, and you're also my favourite person. You have truly always been there for me, and I could never thank you enough." I say still smiling. Addison smiles back. Her smile made my heart swing in many directions. She still had the same effect on me from the day I met her.

"Hey Dixie you're going to school today right??" Addison says now finished with her food. I had finished to. "Oh haha yeah." I say, remembering that I need to slip the note in her locker. Shoot how I am meant to do this!!! Uhhhh too bad Griffin can't do it. It's fine I will find away. "You still have a few marks on your face." Addison states. "Yeah kinda sucks mostly their gone now though." I say wishing they had fully disappeared. "It doesn't suck just makes you look even more badass." Addison says. "Yeah, yeah. Get changed now" I say passing her I set of cloths I grabbed from my draw. "UhUhhmmsgdhxjm fine." Addison says. "Woah don't need to be soo dramatic!" I say laughing. Addison rolls her eyes and heads to the bath room to get changed.

(Addisons pov)

I quickly enter Dixies bathroom and slip on the cloths she lent me. I see a pair of boxers in the pile. "Dixie why did you give me boxers?" I say. "Just wear them." I hear Dixie say from the other room. "These better not be your dads!" I shout. All I hear from her was a laugh. I slip into the cloths, surprising the boxers were pretty comfortable. I open the door and see Dixie still getting changed, she were only in a bra under wear, and butterfly's swirled in my stomach. SHOOT I thought. What the heck??? I have seen Dixie this naked before why was I getting butterfly's. I don't have an attraction to Dixie, Like that would just not make any s-. Suddenly Dixie turns around and is now facing me. "Hello?" Dixie says laughing as she slips into a pair of pants. "Hi!" I say with red spreading across my face. I felt my cheeks burn. Then she started walking towards me, she picked me up and through me onto the bed, she really seemed to like throwing me onto beds she always did it. Luckily she had some clothes on or I would have basically been so embarrassed. When she picked me up her skin felt warm against mine. I should really ask to cuddle more with her when she is not in just a hoodie. "Addison warning I am putting my shirt on" Dixie said laughing. "Good it's kind of awkward seeing your best friend half naked." I say giggling.

Ok don't judge me if I made a few mistakes, the chapter was rushed, as most of them are. But I really do hope you have a good day or night. Remember you are loved! Sometimes you may not think you are loved, sometimes that may seem very very true. But trust me someone loves you, weather you have met them or not. Time is so tedious. Be patient trust me there is someone. <3

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