Prologue ~

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1st Person POV-

Life for me had always been lonely.  People had always avoided me, and pretended that I was completely invisible. It was a bit hard at a young age, but by the time I was 15, it was just easier to avoid everybody. I had started high school on my own, and graduated on my own. I was just fine being alone, but it still hurt a little bit having no one to turn to in desperate times.

I had decided to move to a pretty cheap house up in Connecticut. People said the price was lowered because the previous owners had fell through unstable floorboards and died from the impact of the height, and from that point on, the house was extremely haunted. I didn't mind, though. I had always thought that ghosts and demons were awesome. It was just gossip that I had overheard while getting groceries for my first week living here, though. I knew from my years of middle school and high school that most of the time the gossip and rumors weren't true. There was still a glimmer of hope though. Who knows, maybe it's true after all. I started to unload everything into the house after I had arrived.  Though, there wasn't much to bring in anyway. I wanted to keep the beautiful house just how it was.


I was exhausted after bringing everything in, and setting up all of the electricity,  plumbing,  and internet. The only place I hadn't yet explored was the attic. Sure, I was tired, but my curiosity overpowered any other urge to sleep. As I crept up the stairs, I made sure to skip the creaky steps. I may have doubted the gossip and rumors, but I still didn't wanna die on my first day here.

My curiosity grew even more as I heard voices from the attic. I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I opened that creaky wood wood door. A couple in my attic, looking just as surprised as I did. They were pretty vanilla looking. A female with long blonde hair, and a beautiful flower dress, and a male with short brown hair and a green plaid shirt,  with pretty normal looking jeans. " Um.. hello there!" I said enthusiastically.  The couple just stared for a few seconds before the female spoke up. "Hello to you too. You must be the new owner of our house. My name is Barbara,  and this is my husband, Adam." Adam then waved politely at me. New owner? Their house?  Suddenly it clicked. They were the Maitlands. The couple who owned this house and died. "So..." you started, with your hands in your pockets. "Ghosts, huh?" The couple nodded, with a bit of a sad look. "Sorry for your loss.. anyways,  guess I should introduce myself as well. My name is Y/N  L/N ." I said , still thinking about everything going on.  "Nice to know that at least I won't be alone for once in my life. I've always thought ghosts and demons were super cool, so I'm glad that I got to meet you guys. I'm gonna go to bed, and feel free to come down whenever you like." I said, while smiling.  I then decided to flop on my bed, mostly out of exhaustion. I smiled to myself, and decided to drift off into sleep. Right before I slipped into a dream though,  I swore that I heard a raspy voice singing. I had decided to explore it tomorrow though, I was too tired to go on.

The last line I heard before drifting off though, struck a cord with me.
You're invisible when you're me.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this, if you did, let me know if you want more ! I will not discontinue this series, I swear on my life.  It's super annoying when that happens and you really enjoy the book that was discontinued. :(
Anyways, I'll update everyday, except on weekends :D
- Beast 💀

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