1 - Invisible

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1st Person POV :
I ended up not being able to fall asleep. My brain tugged and tugged at the idea of finding out who's voice that belonged to. Another ghost? An intruder? A neighbor? Or.. even better yet.. a demon? It was coming from the roof, so I eventually couldn't resist the urge any longer and headed up there. There was a figure sitting on the roof, singing the last notes of the song. They seemed to be singing about how they were invisible to the rest of the world. Getting closer to the figure, I could see more of their features. They were pale, with green hair styled upward. They were wearing a black and white striped suit, and had pointed ears and sharp fangs. From their voice, I could tell that they were male. Huh. Could he be a demon? Perhaps he could. I thought about what he was singing about. Seems I'm not alone in the whole invisible thing.

"That makes two of us." I said, as I sat down beside him. This seemed to have startled him a bit. He jumped and squeaked a little, before regaining a dominant posture. "Can you.. see me?" He asked me, still a little shook that I heard his entire song. I nodded a bit before deciding to speak. "You have a nice voice, y'know. Honestly, I really relate to those lyrics. Though, when you're invisible, you just ignore the visible, and side with the invisible. " I let out a small sigh mostly out of relief that I'm at least visible to one person.

"I've. . always been on my own, to be honest. So.. I'm glad that I met you. The names Y/N. What's yours?" I smiled softly at him. He started rumaging through his pockets and pulled out a card. He then handed it to me and started explaining the card. "A long time ago.. I was cursed with not being able to say my name. So.. I carry around this card for when people ask about my name. Say it three times, and I'm summoned. Basically, I won't be invisible anymote, and I'll be able to interact with things in the real world." I thought for a minute about what he said. "So.. are you a ghost or a demon?" I asked. He looked thoughtful for a minute before answering . "Put simply, both, I guess. Naturally, I'm a ghost, But at the same time, I'm the son of a pretty powerful figure where I come from. I consider myself the ghost with the most." He emphasized the last part with a bit of echo.

Huh. Three ghosts met and befriended on my first day here. Maybe I won't be so alone after all. He was staring at the stars for a bit while we talked about favorite foods, favorite movies, and so on. His eyes were a beautiful greenish-brownish color. I found myself smiling at this. It was like moss, almost. After a while, I stifled a yawn, and I felt pretty tired. "Welp. I'm gonna go to bed. It was nice talking to you, beej. See you tomorrow! " I said as I walked off into my room. I soon let my dreams consume me.

Beetlejuice POV:
After they left, I floated to the living room to sleep on the couch. I didn't need sleep, sure, but it was still nice for relaxing. I realized that they made me feel something that I hadn't felt in a pretty long time.
I smiled at this, before drifting off to sleep.

Hey guys! Decided to release the first chapter on the same day as the prologue. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think in the comments!
-Beast 💀

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