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 I woke up in a sweat. The dream I just had was not like the usual dreams. It was about Drew, and something people should not think about their best friends. Putting cold water on my face seemed like the next best bet. I trudged out of bed, slightly shaken, and remembered the feeling of the dream. Shocked, I quickly splashed water on my face, hoping to forget the feeling of us kissing. We had kissed before but I never dreamed about it. It was an innocent dream, just a kiss but oh goodness. My phone had a notification and I opened to see a pic of Drew and I dancing that Maddie had posted. I don't post a lot so Maddie usually posts cute pics of me. Friend goals.

"Um, when did you take this pic?" I exclaimed, running into Maddie's room and jumping onto her bed. She rolled over with her phone in hand.

"Oh! I took it right before you guys got all cuddly," She smirked. My mind shot back to my dream and what she would think if she knew what I wished we were doing. Not wished. Lord save me, we're best friends.

"We were dancing, mom," I said, rolling my eyes at what she was implying.

"Breakfast," Mads called from the kitchen. Thankfully to avoid this topic, I ran out of the room and slid into one of the bar chairs. A hot plate of bacon and avocado toast was slid in front of me. Eating is one of my main priorities because I fucking love food. I began to inhale it when I received a pointed look from Mads.

"Fanks Mama," I said through a mouthful of food. Madison sighed and began to eat her breakfast. My phone chimed and I saw a text from the director. He had texted me that we were going to do Rafe and Emily's scene today. In season 2, Rafe gets a lot of character growth. I was actually really excited to play his girlfriend -- in the show, of course. Drew was nothing like his character and I was exactly like mine. Well not exactly, Emily was innocent but she had a dark past that she connected with. The way they connect was actually very beautiful. Emily had struggled with drugs in her past and used to be like Rafe but cleaned up for him. I actually think it was really beautiful for their characters. I was really nervous though because we had to do... Well, a nasty scene. Oh shit, were we doing that today?

"Hey so--," I started quietly.

"What's up, babe?" Mads asked, looking up from her food.

"You okay girlie?" Maddie said, exchanging looks with the other girl.

"So um -- I'm filming a scene with Drew do you think it's the... um... Ya know?" I blushed and put my head on the table.

"Oh no, not today don't worry," Mads explained.

"He would give you guys way more of a heads up don't worry." Maddie smiled knowingly. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god, I'm so scared. I've never..." I trailed off.

"Are you a virgin?!" Both of the girls gasped.

"No! Oh gosh, no -- I've like... Oh gosh." My face turned bright red. "It's just never been good... if you know what I mean?"

"Oh girl we know," They both laughed, making me feel slightly better.

"I just don't know what -- feels -- good..." Gosh, this was hands down the most embarrassing moment of my life. But I trusted these girls. "And it's Drew, he's older and like, hot and is probably good, I just wonder what it would be like with Drew," I spoke out loud. As soon as I realized what I had just said I slapped a hand over my mouth.

"You've thought about having sex with Drew!" Maddie exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"I-- well... No! Oh my god," Gosh this day was getting weird and it was only like 9 am.

"You totally have." Mads laughed. I put my forehead down on the counter and groaned. I can't believe myself, I'm the youngest cast member and he's the oldest. He was 26 and I was 20. Almost 21! But still, I couldn't even drink.

"Okay, but I can't blame you... he's hot," Maddie giggled. "Not my type but still hot." I rolled my eyes, along with Madison. "Maybe you should do some research." Madison winked at me. I gasped and felt my face heat up once again.

"No! Oh gosh. I'll wing it," I said and hopped off the barstool and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I walked back in, Maddie was hovering over my phone. I regretted letting them put their fingerprints into my phone.

"Guess who won't have time to do research," Madison winked at me. My jaw dropped. We were doing the scene today. Now, this was like John B and Sarah's. I had read this scene so many times because I wanted to be sure I had everything memorized so we didn't have to do it a lot. This scene wasn't sweet and a fade to black. I shivered thinking about it.

"Fuck," I threw myself face down on the couch. The girls cackled about how dramatic I was being. I mean it was just a scene and I had seen movies, it wouldn't be hard. Right? The boys knocked on the apartment door. Once in a while, we liked to all head to set together but they came over when we were called in later to hang out. Our call time today was 12pm so they came over to hang before going to set. I was still laying on the couch, as I heard the door open and talking start. The buzz of comradery filled the small apartment, it was peaceful. My eyes began to slide shut. A heavy mass laid on top of me and I peeked out of my eye. Only to be met with Drew's hair in my face.

"Ugh, fatass," I groaned underneath him. He faked a large snore and I tried to swat him but my arms were pinned down. Again, the feeling of the dream came back to me. Hey, it wasn't super innocent.

"Awe," Rudy crooned from the kitchen with his arm around Madison's shoulders. She flicked his ear.

"Nice," Austin let out, with Rudy echoing him. I finally was able to push Drew off me and looked up at the two boys.

"What does that mean?" I shot a pointed look their way. The idiots just shrugged with smirks on their faces. Drew still sitting on the floor looked at me, and I gave him a sad look.

"Sorry," I ruffled his hair.

" Meanie," He responded, ruffling my hair. A chorus of nice's rang out from the group observing us in the kitchen. I flipped all of them off and helped Drew up. Soon enough everyone had settled into our living room chatting about god knows what and doing our usual crazy shenanigans. I cuddled up against Mads, and braided Chase's hair as he ate his Cheez-Itz. I smiled with contentedness -- life was perfect.  

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