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Eventually, the days began to count down quickly. Our last shoot day was tomorrow. Everyone was so excited for the release of the second season but also extremely sad that another season was coming to an end. The shoot days got shorter and shorter. I sat in my trailer, trying to take a nap in between scenes. A soft knock drifted through the trailer.

"Come in!" I sighed and sat up.

"Do you wanna go skateboarding after today?" Drew asked with a smile while he leaned on the doorframe.

"Duh, yes," I laughed. Skateboarding became our activity to do together. Well, everything we did was together so I guess it wasn't our thing -- our thing was more just being together. Not like together... like as friends.

"Alright good," Drew stood and left the trailer. Suddenly the day felt so long, and I couldn't wait to go meet with Drew.


I got back to my apartment and quickly changed.

"Where are you going?" Madison called.

"Skating with Drew," I laughed.

"Have fun!" Maddie yelled as I ran out the door, not even bothering to put my shoes on. I sent Drew a quick text that I was in the garage and sat down. Drew walked out skateboard in hand and phone in the other.

"Excited?" He teased. I paused my shoe tying and flipped him off. He sat down across from me while he waited. I saw a flash and looked up to see him taking a picture just as I finished tying my shoe. I gave him a questioning look.

"Gotta give the fans some content," He shrugged.

"Fair, ready," I asked, standing up from the ground.

"Help me up," He whined as he stuck his hand into the air.

"Ugh, fine," I feigned annoyance and pulled him to his feet but as I pulled him, I lost my balance. Drew's arm was wrapped around my waist instantly and I was pressed against him.

"Thanks," I breathed. His blue eyes locked on my hazel ones. His eyes darted down to my lips and I found myself waiting in anticipation.

"Falling for me already, Smith?" He chuckled but it didn't feel very light. The air was thick as well as the tension. We both leaned in, and I realized we were going to kiss. I pulled away and stood up quickly.

"Ha, you wish," I awkwardly laughed and adjusted my hair. We began to skate down the road, it was dinner time on a Wednesday so almost no one was out. Drew began to play 'My Tears are Becoming the Sea' as we watched the sunset on the beach. It felt like we were in a movie, the wind rushing through my hair. The world seemed to stand still just for us. For a small moment in time, it was just Drew and I watching the sun disappear over the horizon.

"Come on!" I shouted over my shoulder as I hopped off the board and ran into the sand. I began to laugh at how nostalgic I was feeling. Less than a year ago, I was a girl from a small town, trying out for a Netflix show and now I was here in California with the best people of my life. It felt like a dream. I set my board down and ran down the beach throwing my hands into the air, this moment in time was ours. Suddenly I stopped and turned to Drew who had the biggest grin on his face. I opened my arms and began to spin. My feet sank in the sand as my heart soared. Drew picked me up and began to spin me in the air.

"I'm flying!" I shouted and Drew just laughed. As he let me down, our foreheads connected. I spun around to look at the moon and sun in the same sky, Drew wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on top of my hand. I brought my arms up to cover his. You know those moments when you were younger and your heart ached to do something. Like to have these moments of pure ecstasy. This was that moment, my heart was so full. Every moment of my life had led up to this one moment like this was the answer to all my questions. Awed by the serenity of the moment.

Drew and I stayed like this for quite some time, after the sunset and we sat watching the waves I felt myself succumbing to the wave's peaceful lullaby.


"Hey, we gotta go home," Drew's soft voice drifted through the open air. I opened my eyes and was met by his dark blue orbs. He helped me up and his blonde hair had silvery highlights, the wind picking up a few tendrils and blowing them across his forehead. Everything was so romantic, I wanted to kiss him but I decided against it and walked back towards the road.

"Let's go, slowpoke!" I hollered.

"Coming!" He smiled. We raced home in the moonlight. Drew being the gentleman he is, let me win.

"I won," I gloated, as we headed to the staircase.

"Don't get too cocky, Smith,"

"Or what, Starkey," I turned around abruptly and stopped so I was face to face -- well face to chest with Drew. I grabbed the front of his hoodie and pulled him down to eye level.

"I. win." He grabbed my wrist and moved me against the wall with one arm pinned above my head and his other hand, forcing my chin up to meet his eyes. The temptation to kiss him grew.

"In your dreams," I huffed and pushed him off with a smirk.

"You already are..." He whispered behind me, I blushed and pretended not to hear him. We reached the bottom of the staircase, I won't lie, I was disappointed we had to separate. But I was being silly, I'd see him tomorrow.

"See you tomorrow," I kissed him on the cheek, this time not running away.

"Night dork," He rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh -- um -- yeah, night," I frowned and made my way back to the apartment. This entire night was perfect and of course, I had to ruin it. I slipped back into the apartment, almost in tears. Why was I even about to cry? It's not like I liked him, I just thought he was attractive.

"How was your --- oh honey what's wrong?" Maddie started before she noticed my tears.

"Aw baby girl," Madison cooed, giving me a big hug.

"The night was going so well, all romantic and then I kissed him on the cheek. And then he said 'Night, dork,' and it was so awkward. Like I read the situation so wrong, I'm so embarrassed. Clearly our chemistry is just on the screen,"

"Babe, I'm sure..." Madison started.

"No, don't. I'm just gonna get over my crush." I wiped my tears, refusing to cry over a dumb crush. "I'm professional, I shouldn't play into my own fantasies. God, I'm an idiot."

"Honey," Maddie tried to comfort me.

"I need to sleep this off. Night guys, love you," I called and shut my door. Nothing a hot shower couldn't fix.

Madison looked at Maddie with a concerned knot in her brows.

"I could've sworn he liked her," Maddie said.

"Me too," Madison shook her head sadly.

"I already texted Chase to knock some sense into the boy," 


are you guys liking the story so far? i'm trying my best lol

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