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"The cute one has arrived," I triumphantly cried as I swung open Rudy's apartment door.

"Aw,  you didn't need to announce me," Drew laughed and kissed the top of my head before holding the door for me.

"Har har," I rolled my eyes and flicked him.

"Guys, this is my apartment, I'm already here," Rudy retorted, not looking up from his braid. Mads flicked Rudy.

"Hey! Not the braid!" Rudy exclaimed and Mads just rolled her eyes. A lot was going on, Maddie and Chase were watching a show. JD and Austin were chilling on the counter stools. So that left just the large beanie for Drew and me to sit on.

"Are you watching the bachelor?" I questioned, plopping down on the beanie as Drew walked into the kitchen to get a beer.

"Yes!" Maddie squealed. Girl, sure does love romances. I looked over to Drew and he held up a second can, gesturing if I wanted one. I nodded and mouthed thank you.

"Just so you know, that was hot. It looked so real," Maddie whispered, so only I could hear her.

"More details later," I winked as Drew sat next to me. I won't lie, the bachelor is interesting for about 20 minutes but then I get bored. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through social media. A lot of people were commenting about season 2 and excited about the release in a couple of weeks. To change up positions I put my feet into the air unknowingly. It's just a habit. I felt Drew's legs brush against mine and noticed he had put his feet right behind mine. Almost holding them up. Realizing this would make a cute insta pic, I snapped a quick pic and posted it on the gram.

"Nice," Rudy and Austin called at the same time. Being the lady I am, I flipped them off. My post instantly had tons of comments all about Drew and I.

"Charlie, stop posting my content," Maddie complained. Fans had joked that she had become our relationship photographer but honestly it was all just best friend moments. But the obx fans were going to flip when they saw that scene we just filmed, hell our friends would too. It was pretty late and I nestled into Drew's side. I knew I was gonna get shit for it but I was tired and he was warm.


The world was swaying beneath me, and I heard someone begin to talk, I think it was Maddie.

"Shh, she's sleeping," Drew quieted the girl, and I let a small smile slip. He was really adorable. He and I did this often where I would fall asleep and he would carry me back to my apartment and put me in my bed. Like best friend goals, am I right? I cuddled closer to his chest and let him carry me. I knew we were coming close to the apartment because I recognized the jiggling of Maddie's keys. The cast had actually decided to live in the same apartment, guys and girls separate, but we did it so that we could bond in real life. Also, the other cast members were already super close, but the girls wanted to have some girl space, claiming the boys smelt bad, but honestly, I think Drew smelt the best. I felt myself being set into the bed and a blanket over the top of me.

"Night Charlie," He whispered and kissed my forehead. I heard Maddie let out a cute 'awe' and I prayed that I wouldn't blush. I could hear the group shuffle out of my room, they talked for a little bit, and then finally I heard Drew leave. I waited a couple of minutes just to be sure and then I shot out of my bed and into the living room

"Jesus!" Maddie screamed, while Mads just smirked.

"He kissed my forehead," I gushed.

"I don't have a crush. We're just best friends," Madison mocked me.

"Okay okay, maybe a little," I blushed. "But we have to stay just friends because he doesn't like me like that.

"Yeah right. He's so into you." Maddie scoffed. "Also, I was promised details."

"Get comfy," I said settling on the couch. Maddie clapped her hands and pulled a pillow close. Mads just lounged on the chair across from me.

"So I know what you mean now when you said let your body do what feels natural because it worked perfectly. I was on fire. Literally I felt like I was going to melt."

"That's how you know it's good," Madison smirked.

"I thought it was just nerves. But anyway, he went off-script. Like he just randomly pinned me against a wall." "Holy shit, that's hot," Maddie gasped and Madison nodded in agreement, leaning forward slightly. The rest of the night consisted of me talking to the rest of the girls giving them all the details of our scene. We talked until it was one and Maddie started to fall asleep.

As I got ready for bed the scene kept playing out in my head. His lips crashing into mine, and on my neck. Did he think about me like this? I needed to stop this crush and fast. We're best friends -- nothing more. And we only had like 2 weeks left of filming.  At least we had gotten the scene over so we didn't have to do it again and could go back to being besties. 

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