Chapter 3: Heaven

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Jeong Hyeok steps back and pauses, taking in the woman currently sitting on his bed. He looks up and down at her, imagining all of the things that he wants to do to her—and with her—as he starts to undo his tie.

The vision that is the beautiful Yoon Se-ri on his bed looking up at him with want in her eyes, her skin flushed with arousal and her lips swollen from his kisses, is a sight he is not likely to forget any time soon.

He usually doesn't take his conquests to his own bedroom, preferring to use the guest bedroom instead so that they don't get the wrong idea about his intentions. It is after all just a one-night stand, and it's best for everyone involved if things are clear from the get-go.

From her statement earlier about them never meeting again after tonight, she seems to be of the same mind. Normally he would be glad about that, but for some reason, the thought of never seeing Yoon Se-ri again after tonight didn't sit well with him.

There is something about this woman that makes him want to have her on his own bed, and nowhere else... At least for now, as he'd very much like to have her on every surface of his apartment.

If she's going to have to be convinced in that regard... well, he's surely going to enjoy convincing her.

Se-ri is almost shaking with anticipation, his hungry, burning stare scorching her skin. Unable to stand the anticipation any longer, she stands up and steps closer to him. He holds her gaze as she approaches him, not moving an inch.

Maintaining eye contact, she pushes his suit jacket off of his shoulders, allowing him to shrug it off and leave it on the floor. Her hands then proceed to undo the buttons of his dove grey dress shirt.

When she has finally undone all of the buttons, he shrugs out of the shirt and throws it on the floor to join his jacket. She places her hands on the smooth skin of his chiselled chest, feeling the heightened beat of his heart on her fingertips.

Her eyes follow the path of her fingers as she runs her hands up to his shoulders. What a beautiful man, she thinks to herself as she explores his skin.

And he is—with his tall stature, perfectly sculpted body, and that face that looks like it was made by the hand of God himself, Ri Jeong Hyeok is almost too beautiful to look at.

Se-ri meets Jeong Hyeok's eyes, noting the burning desire in his dark brown eyes. Never has a man looked at her like that, like he wants not only to ravage her, but consume her as well.

She revels in his lustful gaze, holding it for another second before putting her hands on the back of his neck and pulling him down to her for a kiss.

She takes the lead this time, her tongue tasting his lips and seeking entrance to his mouth. He grants her access, meeting her tongue with his own. He groans, a deep, sensual sound that she both feels and hears, the vibrations reverberating through her body.

His hands grab onto her hips possessively before pulling her flush against him. She feels the heat of his body and the hardness of his cock pressing against her navel as he holds her against him while his hands run up and down her back.

Se-ri feels herself getting incredibly wet even though Jeong Hyeok has barely touched her, and she finds herself wanting to beg him for more, to plead for him to move faster.

As if he is reading her mind, his fingers find the zipper at the back of her dress and pull down. He pushes the straps of her dress off before stepping back and letting it fall to the floor.

Jeong Hyeok steps back again, taking in the sight of Se-ri in nothing but four-inch red stiletto heels and lacy red lingerie that hugs her curves and leaves little to the imagination.

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