Chapter 4: The Morning After

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Yoon Se-ri slowly blinks her eyes open and breathes deep as the sun hits her face. She's just had the best night of sleep she's had in a while. She basks in the muted early morning light, still somewhere in between wakefulness and sleep.

Strange, she thinks, I feel so warm and nice and safe. She sighs happily, grateful that she had slept so well. It's been a while since she'd last felt so rested.

Suddenly, last night's activities come rushing back into the forefront of her mind, her eyes widening with increasing alarm as she remembers where she is.

And who she's with.

She slowly turns her head to the side to look at the man in question, and the sight that greets her makes her gasp softly.

Wow, he really is gorgeous.

Ri Jeong Hyeok is still fast asleep next to her, his breathing slow and deep, his expression neutral. He is lying on his right side facing her, his right arm extended underneath his pillow to support his head and his left arm draped over her left forearm, effectively trapping it.

Not that she's too concerned about that right now. Right now, all she can focus on is that beautiful face of his that seems to almost glow in the soft morning light.

Se-ri watches him sleep for a couple more moments, mesmerised by his ethereal, other-worldly beauty and fighting the urge to touch his face and run her hands through his soft silky hair.

How the hell is he this... beautiful? His perfectly tousled hair, those sharp cheekbones, and those sensuous lips that seem to have been made by the hand of God himself...

She turns her head back towards the ceiling, smiling to herself as she remembers all of the things those lips did to her last night, and it now registers to her just how deliciously sore she is.

Maybe the devil looks like an angel, too.

Se-ri turns her head towards the bedside table on her right to check the time. 6:45 AM. She sighs, knowing that she has to get up now despite every fibre of her being wanting to just stay in bed with this gorgeous man.

She carefully extracts her left arm from under Jeong Hyeok's and slowly gets out of bed, careful not to disturb him. She then picks her purse up off the floor to get her phone and immediately goes to check her emails and work calendar as she always does in the morning.

Upon seeing that her first meeting is at 10 AM and that there isn't anything too urgent for her to address, she sends a quick text to her driver, telling him to pick her up at 8 AM. That should give her plenty of time to have breakfast, go home to shower and change, then get to the office in time for her first meeting of the day.

Looking up from her phone at Jeong Hyeok's sleeping form, she wonders whether or not she should wake him. Deciding against it, she opts to do him one better and cook him breakfast instead. It's the least she can do, given how gracious he'd been the previous night.

She picks her red dress up off the floor and is about to put it back on when his dove grey dress shirt catches her eye. Hmmm... I'm sure he wouldn't mind, she says to herself as she picks up his shirt.

She puts his shirt on before gathering up the rest of her clothing off the floor. She then tiptoes to the en suite bathroom, wanting to make sure that she at least looks somewhat presentable before she does her morning walk of shame in front of the Signiel Residences staff.

Se-ri looks at herself in the mirror. Her hair had that "just had sex" look to it that actually looks great—although it was more appropriate for a night out and not for a Monday morning at the office.

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