Demon Lincoln

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Lincoln was stuck in the back yard, he couldn't believe me his family had done. At first he felt sad, then he felt anger. He thought back to all the nice things he's done for his family and then thought about what they've done to him. As his anger grew he didn't notice his eyes were glowing, or the ground cracking, ir the shadowy aura surrounding him. Then all of a sudden shadows started to crawl out from the cracks and they gathered together into one being, then the final piece was a shadow coming off of Lincoln and combining with the other shadows. Meanwhile inside the house.
Lucy: I sense a dark force nearby.
Back outside.
Lincoln: What are you?
Shadow: I am a demon you created from all of your anger and demon magic.
Lincoln: Wait what?
Shadow: Ah, I see, you don't know who you are. Well, dark creatures can easily summon demons like me, including other demons. Humans can to but it's always much harder and requires a whole ritual thing. But dark creatures don't need to do that, they just need to have enough anger, like you. Which means that...
Lincoln: I'm not human.
Shadow: Correct, I don't know what you're doing out here or what kind of dark creature you are at the moment, but I can sense you're a powerful one.
Lincoln: Wow, ok, this is insane. So I summoned you, what kind if demon are you?
Shadow: I am a rage demon, my kind are created from feelings and thoughts of pure rage and hatred.
Lincoln: Makes sense how and why I summoned you, so what are you going to do now?
Shadow: As a rage demon my first mission is to target the source of your rage and either terminate it or if it's a living thing make it suffer.
Lincoln:(with a smile)Sounds great! And I'm guessing I don't need to tell you what your target is?
Shadow: Correct, but what I do need you to tell me is do you want the Loud family killed or kept alive and tortured?
Lincoln:Keep them alive, I just came up with a brilliant idea to make them suffer. They always did call me "man with a plan".
After explaining the plan Shadow and Lincoln got to work. Shadow went into the house and saw that everyone was in their rooms and was awake except for Lily. Shadow cut the power and summoned portals and everyone except Lily fell into the living room.
Luna:What the heck just happened!?!
Shadow:I just brought you all together in one spot to make easier for you to be tortured for what you did.
Lynn: What are you talking about? We haven't done anything bad!
Shadow: Really? What do you call leaving a little kid outside in the cold?
Lynn: You're talking about the bad luck charm? Is that seriously-
Lucy:Be quiet! Don't say anything that'll upset the demon!
Shadow: Well she's smart, but you don't have to worry about making me mad, you should worry about making your "brother" angrier.
Lynn:Why should we care about how he feels?
Shadow:Because, the angrier he gets the more powerful I become.
Lucy:Oh no, I know what you are.
Lisa:What is this creature?
Lucy:A rage demon, they are created when someone feels extreme anger and rage.
Shadow:Half right, but good enough.
Luan:Really? I guess you could say this guy is all the rage.
Lori:Shut it! Now's not the time!
Lincoln: That's right, now is the time for you to pay!
Leni:Hi Linky, uh why are your eyes glowing? And why do you have smoke around you?
Lincoln:Oh, my friend here showed me what I really am.
Rita:Lincoln, y-you're a...
Lucy:He is a demon.
Lynn:This just proves he is bad-
Lincoln swiped at Lynn and left scratches, he now had claws.
Shadow:While your right about one thing, bad luck does exist. Lincoln here never was bad luck. I should know, I can sense magic and he does not give off that kind of aura. Now to punish you horribly.
Lincoln:(smiled showing sharp teeth) Let's do this.
Lincoln and Shadow used their claws and teeth to bite and slash at the Louds. Shadow used his telekinetic abilities to pick them up objects and throw them at the family. Meanwhile Lincoln used his enhanced strength to pick them up and toss them around. This continued all over the house into all the rooms. Shadow used magic to give each family member a unique punishment. Lisa chemically burned by her science stuff, Lana was attacked by her pets, Lola had a spell put on her that painfully turned her face hideous, Lucy was trapped in a coffin with hungry bats, Luan was severely electrocuted with one off her joy buzzers, Lynn had a spell put on her that made her fat and slow and weak, Luna had headphone literally rooted in her ears and music was played so loud it hurt, Leni was trapped in her room filled with spiders, Lori was twisted into a pretzel shape, and the parents were trapped in their room while alcohol filled up the room quickly and it went over their heads. No one died but all of them suffered except Lily who was put inside a magic safety bubble. Then once everyone went unconscious Shadow healed them and fixed the house and made everything seem like a dream.
Lincoln:Part 1, completed. Now for part 2.
In the morning everything woke up out of bed screaming except for Lily. Then everyone met and talked at breakfast.
Luna:I had an insane nightmare.
Leni: Me too!
Lana:Me three.
Everyone else admitted to having nightmares.
Luan:Yeah, in mines there was this shadowy guy and
Lola:Same here.
Rita:I also had a nightmare like that.
Lucy:This is odd. We all had a nightmare where Lincoln was a demon and him and another demon
Lynn:Beat the shit out of us.
Lisa:I'm sure there is a logical explanation. Perhaps deep down we all feel some sort of guilt and it just surfaced as a nightmare and that's why they were all so similar. After all, we all know demons don't exist. And Lincoln would never intentionally hurt us like that.
Suddenly the doorbell rang, Lynn Sr. went to answer it and saw a police officer.
Officer:Are you the father of Lincoln Loud?
Lynn Sr.:Yes I am.
Officer:Well I regret to inform you that late last night we got a call from one of your neighbors reporting that your son was in the backyard being kidnapped.
Rita:What's going on?
Lynn Sr.:The officer said Lincoln's been kidnapped.
Sisters and Rita: WHAT!?!
Officer:Yes now I'd like you to come down to the station for some questioning while we investigate your house.
Rita:Kids, get in the van. Quietly and quickly please.
So they drove to the police station and on their way Rita talked to the kids.
Rita:Ok listen, when they question us no matter what you can NOT mention bad luck or us leaving Lincoln outside, if they ask why was he outside say he really had to go to the bathroom and went outside because there was a line for the one inside.
When they got to the police station the family was questioned and everyone lied. It looked like they were going to be fine when a female officer came in with tapes from a camera.
Female officer: I think you'll want to see this.
The tapes showed what really happened in the house, the entire bad luck incident plus more footage of Lincoln suffering.
Lynn Sr.:We're fucked.
Time skip to a court case where Rita and Lynn Sr. are sentenced to prison along with all the daughters sentenced to juvie except for Lily who would be staying with her grandpa. The girls would start juvie in a week once they were all signed up. Soon word spread and the Louds social lives were ruined. They parents lost their jobs, the kids lost their friends, the ones in relationships had been broken up with, all of their trophies and awards were confiscated. It was the worst week of their lives. Meanwhile Linciln and Shadow were watching, laughing and enjoying the Louds misery.
Lincoln:Haha! Everything went according to plan. And I couldn't have done it without you Shadow!
Shadow: Thanks, you're awesome.




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