Book Writer Lincoln

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During one of Lincoln's visits to his grandpa, he got a typewriter from him. It was old and dusty, and had a few cobwebs. What was weird was that it had signs of damage, burns marks, dents, and scratches. Lincoln tried it out and was surprised to find out it worked, Albert said it was because Lincoln had showed interest in being a writer. After going home, he put the typewriter under his bed and forgot about it for a while. Then one night, after going to his room to avoid a fight with his sisters, he remembered the typewriter. Lincoln got it out and decided to write a story with the 2 main characters being based on Lynn and Lola. It took a few hours, but Lincoln had written an entire book. It was a short horror story where 2 girls encounter an evil teddy bear. When he was done, his parents came to check on him.
Rita:Hi Lincoln, how are you?
Lynn Sr.:Are you ok?
Lincoln:I'm actually good, great even. Remember the type writer I got from Pop Pop?
Lincoln:Well, I used it to create a story the length of a full book. I call it Night of the Terror Teddy
Rita:That's great! You're following in my footsteps. I'm proud of you.
Lincoln:Thanks mom.
Lynn Sr.:What's it about?
Lincoln:Well, the 2 main characters, Lynn and Lola, end up encountering an evil teddy bear. It's a horror story, but it's also for kids. Here's the story.
1 plot summary later.
Rita:That's...interesting, are you sure that's the final draft?
Lincoln:Yes, it is.
Lynn Sr.:Son...I don't appreciate you using your sisters in this story.
Lincoln:Come on, it's just a story.
Rita:Lincoln, your father is right, that's not nice.
Lynn Sr.:Give me the scipt.
LS:Just give me it.
Rita:Please listen to your fa-
LS tried to grab the script, but Lincoln jumped out the way. Rita tried to grab it while Lincoln was surprised but Lincoln slapped her hand away and ran downstairs through the front door.
Lincoln ran off with his script. He eventually made his way to where the town's newspapers were printed. He showed off his script and the people there liked it so much they printed several copies of the story for him. Lincoln gave away some signed copies for free because they helped him, then he went to the mall to sell his book. At first the shop owners said no but when he showed them his story and they liked it so much they changed their minds and also got free signed copies, Lincoln stayed the night with Pop Pop. The next day at the mall, each copy of Night of the Terror Teddy sold out quickly. Lincoln made money and attracted the attention of a famous publisher.
At the Loud House, the Louds were reading Lincoln's story. While some Louds liked it, some didn't.
Lucy:I can't believe our brother could write such a fascinating tale of horror.
Lana:I liked the part where Lola got what she deserved for being a spoiled brat.
Lynn:I could totally beat up a teddy bear!
Then there was a knock at the door.
Rita:Hello sir, can I help you?
Man:Hello Mrs.Loud, I am Fred Stike, famous book publisher. I am here to gather your son's belongings so he can move to New York. And before you say anything he's not going alone, his grandfather is going with him.
Stike:He didn't tell you anything? Well let me explain. I saw how popular his story was and offered him a chance to become a famous author, he agreed and I let him know he had to move to my studio to publish his books, but he needed an adult. Fortunately, his grandfather agreed, then he sent me and a moving company to get his stuff. So if you'll excuse me.
While the company was moving his stuff into the truck, everyone was too shocked to say anything. When the company was done and left, Leni was the only one who said anything.
Leni:So, is Lincoln famous now?
After a month had passed Lincoln had already written several books, earned a lot of money, and had become known all over the world. He would occasionally send money to his parents to help them out, but they always sent it back claiming "they didn't want to use up all his money" when on reality they just couldn't accept that he was now living the good life and managed to get there on his own. His sisters minus Lily were incredibly jealous of his fame and fortune and would never respond to his calls or letters. They always said negative stuff about him. Especially since his stories contained characters that were similar to them and didn't show them in the best possible light. Then, finally one day the Loud family answered one of Lincoln's calls. He was telling them that they should move out here with him, but the Louds said that they wanted to stay in Royal Woods because everything they like is there. Also they started insulting Lincoln and said he didn't deserve his success. After a while Lincoln decided to hang up. He walked over to a shelf filled with the original scripts of his books.
Lincoln:I wish they would stop acting like this and for once be happy with me. I've done nothing but be nice and they still treat me poorly. At least it's not in person and I'm not receiving any physical injuries. Well, I guess I'll start coming up with ideas for my next story.
Unknown to Lincoln, a dark silhouette was leaving his house. Back in Royal Woods, the Louds had gone out to the mall and came back at night. When they got home and opened the door, they noticed things were a little different. For one thing, the lights weren't working properly and kept flickering on and off at random. The other thing was the books that were everywhere and the large teddy bear on the couch.
Luna:Uh dudes, since when do any of us own that many books, or a big teddy bear with claws and sharp teeth?
Lola:This is creepy.
LS:I'm sure it's just a prank, right Luan?
Luan:This wasn't me, I wouldn't use Lincoln's books in a prank.
LS:Ok, he probably hired someone to do this. Let's just throw these books and this bear away.
Just as LS was reaching for the bear, it started to talk.
Scratchy: Hello Pop Pop, how longs it been? Feels like forever.
Lori:D-did that thing literally just talk?
Scratchy:Hi Lori, how've you been?
Lori fainted.
LS:What are you? What do mean "how long it been?"?
Scratchy:Remember when my dad showed you his first script? When he created it, I came to life, straight from the pages. I heard and saw everything.
Rita:Oh, y-you heard everything we said?
Scratchy:Yep, and I also know everything you've done and said to him, and now you're going to pay. HAHAHAHAHA.
Lynn:I'm not afraid of a teddy bear, I'll rip your head off!
Lynn charged at the bear, but the lights flickered and he had moved to another spot in the living room.
Scratchy:Oh Lynn, you don't realize what's happening do you? All of you nieces and nephews are coming to Royal Woods to play. Tonight's going to be the wildest and scariest night your town has ever seen, HAHAHAHA!!
The lights flickered and Scratcht disappeared along with the books.
Leni:What just happened?
Lucy:It appears our I'll actions towards our brother have angered his creations, and now they're hear to seek vengeance.
Lisa:This is impossible!!! Those are just made up characters from books!!!
Lucy:Actually, it is possible. There are such things as cursed objects, which can include typewriters. Perhaps our brothers typewriter was cursed and everytime he made a story the monsters became real. Great Grandma Harriet has told me about a cursed typewriter before. It was impossible to destroy and caused chaos.
Lisa:This is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Lana:You got a better explanation for what just happened?
Lana:That's what I thought.
Lori:What happened?
Lucy:You fainted from fear.
Lynn:Guys, come on, we can handle whatever that bear throws at us. We just got to gear up!
Lynn grabbed one of her bats, Lana grabbed a wrench and a nail gun, Luna grabbed her guitar, Lori grabbed a golf club, Luan grabbed her boxing glove gun, Lisa grabbed some chemicals, and LS grabbed a kitchen knife and a meat tenderizer. Suddenly there was a loud noise coming outside, they went out and saw they now had 2 Vanzillas.
Lana:COOL!!! 2 Vanzillas!!!
Lola:Wait, hold on, this doesn't look right.
Lisa:Yes, she is correct, don't you think its strange an exact copy of our family vehicle appeared out of no where?
Suddenly the Vanzilla copy grew teeth and and the headlights glowed red. The seatbelts stretched out and acted like arms. Everyone screamed as it tried to attack them but Lana hit its tires with her nail gun and Lynn smashed the windows while the others fought off the seatbelt arms.
Rita:Everyone in the real Vanzilla now!!!
Everyone got in and as they started to drive away they noticed the monster van start to repair itself.
Lana:Uh guys, monster Vanzillas fixing itself.
Lisa:No problem, I shall use my chemicals to cause an explosion that will damage it beyond repair!
She threw 2 beakers at it and blew it up. Meanwhile Scratchy was watching the whole thing, he walked up to monster Vanzilla and it repaired itself quicker this time and Scratchy got in and drove into town ahead of the Louds, throwing out books releasing monsters. Back with the Louds.
Lori:This is literally insane!!!
Luan:Lincoln's stories are really coming to life!
Lola:I'm gonna make him pay for this!!!
Rita:EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!! Right now we need to stay calm and focus on getting out of Royal Woods. Lori, have you tried calling the police since you've been on your phone?
Lori:Uh, no. I've literally been trying to call Bobby but I can't get through!! There's no signal!!
Lucy:I see, the evil bear is isolating us. He doesn't want the outside world to know what's happening. He'll most likely also block off the exits to the town too.
Everyone stared at her.
Lucy:What? I've watched a lot of horror movies, one thing that often happens is the characters being isolated.
Lisa:I suppose that makes sen-LOOK OUT!!!
Rita swerved the van to avoid a tree in the road.
LS:Phew, that was close. What knocked that tree down?
Then the Louds heard a hissing noise and saw a huge spider human hybrid.
Everyone else:AAAHHH!!!
The human spider spat acidic venom at the windshield and it melted. Rita backed up as the monster tried to stab the van. She drove off road to drive around the spider monster, it started to chase them while spitting acidic venom and webs. Then one of the front tires got hit with venom and it melted, the van swerved and flipped over and landed in the parking lot of the grocery store. Everyone got out and ran inside to hide from the spider hybrid.
Rita:That close, too close.
Lucy:EVERYONE QUIET!!!Listen, I don't like this situation we're in either. But I'm pretty sure if we can contact Lincoln, he can fix this mess.
Lynn:We are not calling Stincoln!!! He-
Lisa:LYNN!!! While I understand that you especially are not fond of our only male sibling, right now is not the time to let that get in THE WAY OF US SURVIVING!!!
Rita:She's right, Lincoln is our only hope.
Lori:How are we going to contact him with the service down?
Lisa:Perhaps we can use one of the monsters to communicate with him, did he, by any chance, create a robot?
Lucy:Yes, book 13, Attack of the Sci-bot.
Lisa:That's good, I can hack the robot to send a message to Lincoln.
Then they heard a hiss, except this one wasn't as loud as the spider's, and sounded different. The Louds turned around and saw glowing yellow eyes, and a humanoid lizard popped out from the shadows, it was surrounded by other reptiles.
Lana:This is both cool and terrifying!
Lola:What is that thing?
Lucy:The Reptile Queen, from book 5, Invasion of the Reptiles. She can control any species of reptile.
Reptile Queen:(roars and hisses)
Reptile Queen slashed her claws at the Louds but narrowly missed them, she then sent her army after them. Lynn, Lori, Luna, and Lana smacked some away with their weapons. Luan used her boxing glove gun to drive a few away. But when they reached the doors, Reptile Queen charged at them with open jaws and claws. Then Lisa threw some chemicals in her face, it drove her back while Lisa mixed up some more chemicals which started to bubble violently and she threw it at Reptile Queen and it blew up. The Louds made it outside and were planning their next move.
Leni:I really need to go to the mall.
Lola:Me too.
Lisa:That's actually a good idea, we can go there for protection. But we still need to find the robot to contact Lincoln.
Lucy:Perhaps we could lure it out using one of us as bait, specifically the sister it's based on.
She said this while looking at Lisa.
Lisa:Of course. That's brilliant! Though I don't feel comfortable with it, it's necessary to get rid of the monsters.
Lucy:So we have 2 choices, take our normal path to the mall and risk encountering a random monster, or take a short cut through the graveyard and face some undead and the shadow monster.
Lisa:You've read all the books, what would you recommend?
Lucy:Since we won't be able to fight off the shadow monster, we should take the normal road.
Rita:Let's go kids.
As they started walking, they ran into some of their friends.
Lynn:We've been facing several monsters all night, what about you?
Tabby:Mate I had to deal with a haunted guitar.
Giggles:Evil clown.
Haiku:Ghost writer.
Lucy:Did the haunted guitar posses anyone? Did it send a light into anyone?
Tabby:Uh oh, when Sam picked up the guitar, it sent a glow into her. She didn't seem affected though.
Lucy:Doesn't matter, she is possessed.
Lori:Don't worry, we'll fix it when we contact Lincoln.
Lisa explained their plan.
Tabby:Let's go!
As they continued, they ran into a mud blob monster, a demon dressed like a princess, and an electric ghost before reaching the mall. Everyone was injured but no one received any serious injuries. When they got there, they noticed the rest of the town there panicking.
Lori:Alright Lisa, we're here. Now go use yourself as bait to lure out the robot.
Lisa went off to a section of the mall on her own. After an 1 hour of nothing happening she heard mechanical whirring and saw the robot. She began to lure it towards her siblings, but then it caught her. It opened it's stomach to show off sawblades and spikes.
Just as the robot was about to kill her, Lisa decided to throw her remaining chemicals into its stomach. This made the robot drop her and blew it up. Leaving only the head.
Lisa:That was too close. Well, I can still work with the head.
She dragged it back to her siblings and explained what happened.  She then started to open its head and used it to broadcast a message to Lincoln.
Lisa:I did it! Now all we have to do is wait.
?:Sorry, science brat. But time is not on your side right now.
Scratchy had appeared.
Lynn:How did you get in?
Scratchy:I have my ways. It was fun messing with the town, but now that everyone is gathered up in one place, the main event can start.
Lola:Main event?
Suddenly the front doors burst open and the walls broke and an army of monsters appeared. All the monsters the Louds ran into before along with some new ones. The were several giant bugs, a monster dressed like a chef, a cyborg octopus monster, and more. Some people that were armed with various weapons tried to fight off the monsters but they didn't last long. Most of the monsters tried to attack the Loud family. Lisa was attacked by an organ monster, Lana by Reptile Queen, Lola by Princess Demon, Lucy by the shadow monster, Lynn by a witch, Luan by the evil clown, Luna by a possessed Sam(haunted guitar), Leni by the human spider, Lori by the electric ghost, LS by the monster chef, and Rita by a ghost. Just as it looked like they were about to be killed, the human spider got pulled back and started to come apart. It was trapped in a book.
Lincoln kept opening books and monsters got sucked back in. Soon their was only one left to go and that was Scratchy.
Scratchy:Hello, dad. What are you doing here?
Lincoln:Protecting my family and home town!!! Your going back into the book.
Scratchy:Sorry, but I don't think so.
Scratchy used his claws cut Lincoln and he grabbed the book.
Scratchy:Now to get rid of this.
Lincoln then tackled the bear and the 2 fought. Scratchy was clawing and biting, but Lincoln managed to stay in the fight. Then when they got close to the escalator, Lincoln got on of Scratchy's loose threads and made it get caught in the escalator. Scratchy was basically skinned alive and Lincoln used this opportunity to grab the book and suck him into it.
After that, the Louds came over and demanded an explanation.
Lincoln:Oh its simple really. I found out my typewriter was magic, and anything I wrote came to life. However I could keep the monsters contained as long as the scripts remained shut. However I recently found out that the more powerful monsters could escape even if the script was shut, it had to be locked to keep it in. Scratchy happened to be one of those powerful monsters. Guess he tricked me into locking a fake copy of the original script. Also since he's powerful he can bring the other monsters out of the books from regular copies even though they're not the scripts. Well now that I have him trapped, I'm going to lock the book so this never happens again.





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