Superheroes and Supervillians AU

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In this universe literally everyone is born with superpowers or is some kind of monster. One of the many superhero families is the Loud family. One day Luan was planning a special prank for her brother. She turned invisible to sneak into Lisa's room while she was out grabbing stuff for her experiments. She saw a bunch of weird stuff, some glowing liquid, a blob of goo, and something with spikes. She considered her options and thought about using the spiked thing for her prank but then saw a metal closet with chains and decided to use what was in there. She grabbed a beaker of acid from her pocket and used it to melt the door. Inside she saw glowing red orbs floating in black goo and she grabbed it and prepared to have it dumped on her brother. She got everything in position and and Lincoln came in his room...KABOOM!!!! There was an explosion and a scream, red and black fire appeared then a portal sucked everything in and Lincoln's room was gone. After that the family went looking for Lincoln and found him unconscious on the ground. When Lisa got back she hooked him up to some medical equipment and read his  vitals.
Lisa:Oh my, it appears that whatever he was exposed to took away his powers.
Everyone: WHAT!?!
Then everyone looked at Luan.
Luna:You BITCH!!! Look what you did to our brother, our only brother and your younger brother!!!
Lynn:I may be hard on him sometimes and more than a little rough, but even I know when to draw the line. You don't.
Lisa:Why would you use that unknown substance? I had it locked up for a reason. Even though I was going to test it I would never use it on a living being.
Luan:I'm sorry, I just...
Rita:Look young lady, for now just go to your room, we'll discuss this later.
Luan:Ok, can I say something first.
Lynn Sr.:Go ahead, but be quick.
Luan walks over to Lincoln, who's laying in bed.
Luan:Hey, I know your unconscious and can't hear me, but I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me, in fact, I'll never pull another prank for the rest of my life. I'll only say a joke here and there but no more pranks. I promise you, little brother.
Luan then went up to her room. Later that night everyone minus Lincoln and Lily went up to Luan's room.
Luna:Luan, I'm sorry that I called you a B-
Luan:It's fine, I deserved it.
Leni:Are you really done with pranks?
Luan:Yes, I really am.
Rita:Young lady, I'm really disappointed that you went this far for your prank, but I'm also glad that you learned your lesson and will act more mature. I just wish it didn't cost Lincoln his powers.
Meanwhile...Lincoln got up, he hadn't really been unconscious, just paralyzed, and it just wore off. He heard everything, and he super angry but at the same time extremely sad. He went up to Luan's room to confront her and when he opened the door saw everyone.
Lincoln: Before you do or say anything, I don't want a hug or you to say anything, I know what happened. I was paralyzed and conscious the whole time. Just let me speak with Luan alone.
Everyone walked out the room and stood out side the door.
Luan:Little bro...
Lincoln:Listen, while I'm glad that you won't be pulling anymore pranks. I'm both really angry and sad about my predicament. I know you apologized but I don't know if I can ever forgive you. I'll still love you, your my sister after all, but that doesn't mean that I'll want to hang out or help you with anything any time soon.
When Lincoln left the room Luan started to cry, not just because of what Lincoln said but because he said it so calmly. That's how she knew he was extremely unhappy. Instead of yelling or screaming he said it in a calm, monotone voice.
Lincoln:I'd like to be left alone please. I'm going back to the medical room.
Rita:Ok, sweetie.
Lincoln went back and thought to himself about what he was going to do. He saw some science magazines Lisa had left there. He looked through one because he was bored and saw a help wanted ad. Lincoln then came up with a plan. Which would start with him getting the job. The next day he announced he was getting a job at a lab. While his parents and older siblings thought he should stay home, Luan and Lisa agreed with him.
Lisa:It would be good for his mental health to participate in something productive.
Luan:I just want him to be happy.
Luna:I don't know, I think he should just stay home.
Lincoln:Just let me do this, I need to do something to take my mind off of my predicament.
Rita:If you think that'll make you feel better then ok, I'll allow it.
Lincoln went to get the job and got it. His job was to help around some of the labs. He was assigned to the animal lab and the unstable lab. He worked all day and came home late at night. Unknowingly to anyone whenever his shift ended he would experiment on himself to try and get his powers back, but nothing would work. Then one day he was working in the unstable lab when a scientist was doing some tests on unstable dark energy. Next thing a mutant reptile monster crashed through the wall from the animal lab knocked over the unstable dark energy. While the scientist who had super powers got away by teleporting. Lincoln wasn't able to escape and the reptile monster spit chemicals at him. Then the unstable dark energy hit the floor and exploded. A few hours later the Louds arrived at the crater which used to be the science facility. Everyone cries because they knew they had lost Lincoln for good.






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