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Elisa's POV

"Hey Laury what's the number Harry gave you?" I said to her "Here" she said writing the number down while walking to the back "what are you doing?" I asked "I need to be somewhere" she said "in the backyard?" I asked "yes. I have an important call" she said and "alright. Well I'll be back" I said and she nodded her head. I went back to the guest room. "Hey guys we're making a quick stop" I said and Mia and Daisy got up. "Where?" Mia said "to y/n. I wanted to see what's up with her. I'm bored" I said "do you even have her number?" Daisy said "no but I have the number Harry gave them" I said and dialed the number.

Mia's POV

"Hello?" She and the we looked at her "I'm Elisa who's this?" She said and then gave us a confused look "the chauffeur?" She said and me and daisy looked a each other with surprised faces. "You could ask her right now" she said and then she smiled "thanks. We'll be ready" she said. She hung up the call and then looked at us. "Get ready girls. We're getting picked up" she said to us and we got dressed

Mia's Outfit:

Elisa's Outfit:

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Elisa's Outfit:

Daisy's Outfit:

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Daisy's Outfit:

Daisy's Outfit:

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"We look...decent" I said

Elisa's POV

"Ms. Hill are ready?" Regina said "yes Regina I am" I said "why aren't you dressed?" She said shocked "I am dressed" I said while looking at my outfit "no not like that. You're invited to a party. A gala actually. The theme is casino. So please wear what I've had made for you" she said and handed me my outfit "stunning. I'll be sure to put it on as we speak" I said and she nodded her head. "I'll be back. By the way. The cooks, maids, and butler should be here" she said and I nodded my head. She left and I decided to put on what she gave me. After a while of me debating whether to wear it out I decided to just go with it.

I actually liked it. It was pretty snug around every corner

Elisa's Outfit:

I walked out and saw Regina waiting by my door

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I walked out and saw Regina waiting by my door. "You've always waited for me" I said while smiling "well I've learned that if I don't I may miss out on something. You look incredible Ms. Hill"she said and I thanked her "where is Harry?" I asked "He's trying on the suit I had tailored for him last night" she said "you two will be each other's dates" she said and I nodded my head "Hello Master Y/n" my old butler Richard said "ah hello Richard. Long time no see huh?" I said and we exchanged hugs "yes. I suppose it's always a delight seeing the child that once cause so much trouble" he said and we laughed

"Would you like a drink?" He asked "now Richard you know I'm still underage. I'm 17" I said and he smiled "well that doesn't mean that you won't be drinking at the party this evening" he said and I playfully rolled my eyes "True. Whiskey?" I asked and he nodded his head "right away ma'am" he said and left the room. "Speaking of Harry here he is" Regina said with Harry beside her. He looked nice

Harry's Outfit:

Harry's Outfit:

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"Wow. You look incredible y/n" he said "as do you harry" I responded and he smiled "here you are Y/n" Richard said with a glass with ice and a bottle of whiskey. "Richard! This is my good friend Harry. Harry this is my second father/butler Richard" I said and they shook hands. Richard poured me a glass and I drank it little by little until it was empty. "Ms. Hill we have 3 visitors" Shawn said and I we were confused "let them in" I said and I saw Elisa, Mia, and Daisy. "Oh lord" Harry said "what are you 3 doing here?" He said "I don't know really. But hey this crib? Looking nice" Mia said "you 3 need to go immediately. We have a gala to attend and we cannot have you 3 tagging along. Considering my parents' business partners are going to be there" I said

"We won't do anything I swear" Elisa said "I'm sorry but I can't risk this. Shawn take them back to Laury's this instant" I said and Shawn nodded his head "Regina get my other chauffeur" I said and she nodded her head "we need to get there now! I can't be missing this. If I'll look bad on the Hill name" I said and my staff nodded their heads. "Look you 3 we will talk about this later. Shawn you may escort them out now" I said and he left with them. "Alright now lets go" I said once I saw another car pull up. We entered the car and I immediately started fixing everything. "You look fine relax" Harry said "easy for you to say. You're not the one who's basically gonna be the face of your parents company some day" I said and he nodded his head

"True. I've got less to worry about" he said and I nodded my head "now let's get through this night please" I said and he smiled at me and grabbed my hand "I assure you that everything will be fine. I'll make sure nothing gets in the way" he said and I nodded my head "thanks for the assurance. I really needed that" I said and he nodded his head "anything for my bestfriend" he said and I smiled at him "I thought one of the girls are your bestfriend?" I said and he shook his head "they've for boy best friends" He said and I nodded my head "well then it's great that you're my bestfriend because I wouldn't be able to get through this night" I said and he laughed

We talked for the remainder of the ride and then we came to the stop at a manor "alright Y/n and Harry were here" Regina Said. Once we stepped out and got to the entrance Harry put his hand on my shoulder "Hey I'm gonna lay low and let you do your thing. Go kick ass. Make them worship you" he said and I nodded my head and gave him a hug. "I'll call you when I wanna leave" I said and he nodded his head. We then separated and I went to find who I may not may not be adding onto my mother and fathers company as a partner

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