IRL, Facetime, and Instagram

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Y/n's POV

I walked back to my room and called John

Hello? Y/n everything alright?

No everything is not alright. Guess who stopped by?

Who? Um....Laury?

I wish. It was Avani.

Avani? How'd she even find out?

I don't even know! I forgot to have her answer that. But I need you and James to get her and now! I'm sorry for cutting the vacation short but I need you two here pronto

Will do Ms. Hill

Thank you...and John?


Bring me something from the gift shop

Will do Y/n
After I hung up on him. I did my nightly routine and got ready for bed. My mind was still trying to process what just happened.

Next Day

I had woken up and gotten dressed

Y/n's Outfit:

I went downstairs to be met with Avani, Harry, John, James, Regina, and Shawn eating breakfast

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I went downstairs to be met with Avani, Harry, John, James, Regina, and Shawn eating breakfast. There was a plate left out for me. "I see your bags aren't out yet. I'll have someone do that for you right now" I said and Avani rolled her eyes "why are you acting like this? You were less snobby and rich back home" she said "well did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe I needed more time away from home?" I said while eating a strawberry "why would you need more time away? You have family?!" She said raising her voice "Because I cant always be with everyone 24/7 Avani. You might've done it but I don't" I said raising my voice "well maybe if you hung out more with your friends then you wouldn't be so...moody all the time!" She said

"I do! That's all I do really! I wanna be here more than there!" I said "you know Y/n all you've ever done for me was help me. And now your criticizing me right now?! Like geez what died and made you queen bitch?!" She said and everyone gasped. Even the help. I banged my hand against the table and got up. It startled everyone. "That's it! Regina call someone to get her bags, Shawn we are driving back to my parents house, John and James we are to grab all our stuff. We are going back home this instant!" I said and they looked like they wanted to say something "what is it James?" I said pissed off and he looked at his food "I am not hungry anymore. And I mean it call someone to get her shit" I said

I walked upstairs and grabbed my phone. A few minutes when by when I heard a knock on the door. "Enter" I said and in came Regina with a glass of chocolate milk. "Here Ms. Hill. I thought you could use this. Your mother always made me give you some when you were in a mood" she said and I laughed a little bit. I then grabbed the glass and was looking out the window "Avani's things are in the living room as you requested" she said and I nodded my head while drinking the drink. "Excellent. Hey...I wanted to thank you for being here" I said and she nodded her head "it's always an honor ma'am" she said and I walked out and gave her the empty glass. "You're right. It helped" I said and she chuckled

We walked downstairs and I saw that Avani was waiting. "Ah finally. I was starting to think you wanted me to stay longer"she said "keep thinking then" I said "Shawn is the car ready?" I said and he nodded his head "car is out front" he said and we walked to the car. When we went in John and James were already inside. "Hey you two. How was the trip?" I asked "Amazing. It's like I was apart of history" James said with a big smile "well I'm glad you had fun" I said and and Shawn drove us to my parents house.

"Alright Avani, we're gonna grab our bags. Shawn make sure she stays in this car" I said to him and he nodded his head "yes ma'am" he said and we went to grab our bags. "What are you going to tell your parents?" James said while we were waiting for John. "I'll just tell them something came up" I said and he nodded his head "alright let's go" John said and I locked the door behind us. Once we got in the car it was a silent ride to the airport. It was even more awkward and silent once we got there. When we got to the airport Shawn came out and opened our doors. I gave Shawn a big hug and told him to take care. Once we went into the jet I quickly went on my phone. I then got a FaceTime call from Laury.

Y/N HEY!!!!

You called?

Oh yea. Um...oh! We wanted to know if you wanted to come a hang out with all of us. We're gonna have a movie night with takeout.

Um...I'm on a jet right now. I'm going back home.

What? Why? You didn't tell us?

How could you leave?!?!

Look something important came up. I'm tired though. So I'll FaceTime you guys when I land. Love you guys!

Love you too!!
I put my phone away and saw Avani making a Tik Tok. I decided to just grab a cover and make myself comfortable. I fell asleep the rest of the ride. Once we made it back to Cali. I was woken up by James "Y/n we're back" he said and I nodded my head and there was an empty car for us. James decided on driving. Avani sat next to me and I could tell she was trying to say something to me but instead she just sat back and looked out the window. I saw the familiar buildings pass by and I smiled. I was only a little home sick. Once we pulled up to the house I felt a little nervous. Me and Avani got out and I thanked James and John for staying with me

"Call us if you need body guards" John said and I smiled and nodded my head. Once me and Avani got to the steps I opened the door and no one was here. "Where is everyone?" I asked "I don't know" Avani said. I walked upstairs and went into my room. I decided to unpack before I got dressed out my clothes. I decided it was best to post something since no one was here.
Y/n Hill

 ——————————————Y/n Hill

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Y/n_Hill: Back home...from home
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