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Hello to everyone who is reading. I've had this idea for a while and decided to make a book about it. This will be the first book I've made and I'm not that good either so don't criticize me too hard. All of that aside, enjoy!

Edited- 12/19/23

(Edit- For the ones who read this book before this edit: This chapter is gonna be heavily, and I mean heavily edited. Changes to the writing style and bits of info added and taken out that I fell like will make the story flow better. Comment and let me know what you think! Or don't and just enjoy the book, I'm fine with either!)

It was a full moon. A loud roar can be heard echoing throughout the great Hidden Leaf Village, and The Kyuubi no Kitsune can be seen shackled down with golden chains. Minato was panting heavily, carrying two bundles of blankets that held his children. So much went wrong so fast that he barely had any time to comprehend it all.

As he scanned the destroyed South side of Konoha he took a deep breath. He knew what he had to do to stop this nightmare. Hesitantly, he summoned two alters and put his children down on them and stepped back.

Immediately he wove through multiple hand seals, faster than he had ever done before. The wind picked up, the air growing colder and colder. When he finished the final hand sign a ghostly figure materialized before him.

Its sickly blue arms stretched out of it's white kimono. White hair flowed down it's shoulders down the small of it's back. It's face held a inhumanely wide grin that retched from ear too ear. The figure was the Shinigami, the god of death.

~Why have you summoned me, mortal?~ The Shinigami questions. Its strange. Its mouth hadn't moved from that demonic grin, yet he hears its voice. Feels it speaking from within him.

Minato took a second to steady his breathing and calm his nerves. Not many people had the chance to see the Shinigami itself, even less live to tell the tale.

"I wish to seal the Kyuubi into my children, but it's out of control. I ask that you separate it's chakra from it's soul." Minato barely manages to stop himself from stuttering as he stares into the eyes of the Shinigami - or rather, lack there of. Nevertheless, eyes or none, he feels the void staring back at him.

Not just at him, but his soul.

~Having the whole Kyuubi sealed within oneself would already be a strain on one's body. The pure chakra however is to potent to be sealed within a human, much less a mere human child.~ The Shinigami answers his plea as it raises it's arms. A sphere of condensed chakra spun between them.

~The chakra without the soul to contain it will seep out and corrupt them. It will drive them mad, burning them from the inside, until they themselves turn to ash.~  The chakra had now turned into a bright burning orange-red. Flames flickering from the top before dissipating into nothing.

"Damn it. Damn it all!" Minato's head dropped into his palm. There had to be something he could do. Anything. He was the 4th Hokage for crying out loud! He wasn't going to let the Nine Tails destroy his home. The air grew colder as he was about to give into defeat. Was this really the best he could do? His mind raced on until he remembered what the Shinigami said.

The chakra without the soul to contain it will seep out and corrupt them

"...But if it's soul was split in two..." Minato's eyes shot up as his plan was put together.

"As the God of Death you can control the soul, can't you? If you split the soul, then it could purify the chakra. All that'd be left is to seal them." The Shinigami was surprised. Even before humans had known how to conjure it into the mortal plane, the vary thought of splitting a soul in two had never occurred. This human was strange...

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