Chapter 5

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Well, after months of procrastination, school work, and writer's block, I'M BACK!! Besides that sorry for the wait, enjoy!

3rd POV

Minato is sitting in his chair in the Hokage's office. It had been only a day since Naruto had left and Minato sent every available shinobi out to find his son, but to no avail so far. A purple haired ANBU with a cat mask appeared in front of him, kneeling as a sign of respect, not that he deserved any at the moment but he was the Hokage.

"Report" Minato said in a stern voice. The ANBU nodded their head and started to speak.

"Sir, there is still no trace of him so far. We have checked the South, East, and West sides of Konoha so far but nothing has popped up. All signs of him ever being here have vanished." Minato frustratingly put his face in his palms. 'Damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen! I was only meant to delay his training!' After a few minutes of silence Minato thought about what the ANBU said.

"What about the North? Why haven't you checked there?" He questioned. The ANBU looked up at him and said, "We have yet to receive any word from the team scouting the North. I was going to send another team just in case something happened but I thought I should report to you first." He looked at the ANBU calculatedly, searching for any signs of them hiding anything. He sighed and nodded.

"Alright, send another team to the North and tell the other teams to do a recheck." The ANBU nodded and shunshined out of the Hokage's office.
Minato sighed and turned to look out of the window, pressing his forehead against the glass. 'Naruto. Please, come back.' "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "Are you now?" The blond Kage turned around and saw someone he didn't expect to see. The third Hokage, staring at him with a neutral face, but Minato could see the anger behind his eyes.

"H-Hiruzen, what are you doing here?" He asked surprised. He hadn't been expecting his presence at all. Hiruzen kept starting at the blond for a minute before closing his eyes and sighing.

"Naruto came to me. He told me everything." Minato's eyes widened and he asked with worry in his voice, "Where is he?! Is he alright?! Do you kno-" Before he could finish his sentence, Hiruzen cut him off. "And why would I tell you of all people?" Hiruzen spoke calmly, but harshly with a glare. Minato stepped back which made him hit the window behind him.

"W-Wha-?" Before he could even get a word out he was cut off again by the aged man. "You know what I said! Now answer me this Minato: Why would I tell you the where Naruto is? So you can say sorry? So you can pay more attention to him? So you can tell him you have changed?" Once again, Minato could only stutter as he tried to defend himself, key word tried. Hiruzen sighed deeply and turned away towards the door. "It doesn't matter. He's already gone. Even if you found him before hand, he wouldn't accept any apology you give him at this time."

Minato looked down in disappointment. Not only as the Hokage, but as a Father. "I suggest you stop thinking about the matter. No matter what you do he won't forgive you anytime soon. You are the Hokage, forget about your son and focus on your village. He will return like his letter stated." Hiruzen said as he closed the door to the Hokage's office. Minato was the only one in the room. He sat down and silently sobbed into his hands, not noticing the figure leaning on the outside of the tower.

"Interesting. I should inform Lord Danzo about this." A ROOT ANBU said. As he was about to jump off, something cold touched his shoulder. Chills crawled up his spine. He turned around, kunai in hand, expecting to see something, or someone, there. But there was no one. Nothing there but the wall of the Hokage tower. The ROOT ANBU closed their eyes and steadied their breath. 'It was nothing. Just my imagination.'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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